Here is the Red Band trailer for this upcoming movie with Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Robert Downey Jr. This trailer may contain inappropriate material to younger audiences. Here is another version of the trailer that is more age appropriate...
Yeah that is awesome... I love how he tries to act black throughout and everybody reminds him that he is Australian...
I saw this trailer before The Dark Knight, and it's been awhile since I heard an audience laugh so hard with a trailer... oh wait, I almost forgot. Last "comedy" trailer I saw in a theater was Disaster Movie... now that was a quiet audience...
Yeah I saw that trailer... The Parody movies are getting old... They stopped being funny and started being just ridiculous after Scary Movie 3 It is like they do not put any effort into them.
Totally. Hell, sometimes I get a little laugh out of the trialer, but here, I didn't even smile, or think about smiling. What can you say, they named it what it is "Disaster Movie". Now, to not stray offtopic... I saw posters for this movie at various theaters, and being into film, I remember hearing about it a little while back, but not paying much attention. I'm actually surprised I hadn't seen a trailer for it sooner.
Robert Downey Junior as a Black guy and you just need to laugh. This movie is going to be amazing. Must See.