Why did I not see this before? Troika. One of the most beautiful maps to grace FH in a long time. Everything in this map is perfectly placed, balanced, and formed to promote fun, balanced gameplay. This is the one map to rule them all, and it saddens me that not everyone in the universe is aware of it's existence.
wow, great map probably my favorite map so far the ladder is really creative and i think the fish tank is hilarious 5/5 hopefully your next great map doesnt take 2months lol
This map is worthy for Bungie Favorites.I think that every one else that posts in this thread will agree.My favorite feature of the map are the passageways in the wall.The weapon layout is very fit for the map itself.I will download when I get xbox live.I rate this thread five stars out of five stars. P.S: I'm new and this is my first post.Which means I have yet to see what exactly Forgehub is all about.
WHOA! What are the fish and how do they swim?? I like the ladder, that is pretty cool. Not many maps have that. This is probably one of the best featured maps 'cuz it has 7 pages of replies in only 300 views... Keep up the good work.
Wow I don't have Halo 3 anymore which is really annoying as this looks amazing. The ladder looks like a good new technique and the fish tank sounds good.. can you please get a pic or post a vid on youtube I really want to see it
This map is amazing. This is truly a work of art. I like the appealing design and creativity. The fishtank is awesome by the way! It's a 5/5 for sure.
Congratz on the feature. I have to say, this looks like a killer map. The merging appears flawless and I can't wait to check out the fishtank. 5/5 fo sho
This is definitely one of my favorite competitive maps out there... Gotta love the fishtank- It`s a perfect way to distract people while I make a run for the Sentenecto Beam. ^^
One word: epic. Jaw dropping utilization of the infinite money glitch. How does Foundry hold it all? Tons of open areas, multiple levels, and plenty of little passageways and secrets. All this, plus such beautiful aesthetics and features, like the famed fish tank and elevator! It is surly in its rightful place, on the featured list (and my maps list) to stay. 5/5
Nice NW. I love the map all together. I give it a 5/5. Awesome Interlocking and geo-merging. Also Congrats on the feature. It's an honor.