
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by NeverlessWonder, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Aww dude! this is awesome! This is so good it deserves to be featured! I will also vote for this in the best design... post. I love those huge round walls. I also love the fish tank ;D.
    Great work I see no flaws in the design. Now I only have to test this. But I don't think there's gonna be any flaw in the gameplay either. This is soo awesome! 5/5
  2. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    i cant think of only 1 thing to say about this map AMAZING. its got the centerpiece its got great spawn its got sooo many unique forges, areas and its easy on the eyes. This map is what featured maps look up too...
    kayaman132 and LIGHTSOUT225 like this.
  3. drak

    drak Ancient
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    very nicely done hahahaha please take a pic and PM me the fish tank....also, i like the name, and especially, the
    The last room, complete with another cyclopean wall.

    passageway running through there!
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    This is such a sweet map. You guys did an amazing job and it's well worth the wait. I've only done an initial hopping around and no real forgethrough, but rest assured I will soon enough. Can't wait to get some games on here with you guys.
  5. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    We played tons of Clue on this recently, and I have to say it was a blast. I'll have to try it out with some other gametypes, soon. This is a really great map, and I absolutely love the Fishtank... one of the coolest and most original forge ideas I've seen in a long, long time. Nice job.
  6. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Ok, time for my reply.
    Furious: The map is of course, playable for Slayer as I said earlier I believe. I did forget to mention that I also set it up for 1 flag, 1 bomb, KotH, Juggernaut, VIP, and infection. Thanks for reminding me.

    TurboGerbil: Mind telling me, or showing me where you got out of the map? And the weapons aren't that hidden. Playing a game on this map is much different than a forgethrough. In a real game, it doesn't take people long at all to find the fuel rod, or anything else. (except flamethrower)

    LIGHTSOUT: Troika Manor is something that Bisquit has been working on, so I don't have it. After we got done constructing the map, we split it into 2 versions. I'm guessing he hasn't had time to finish his yet. When he does, I will link it here.

    Questions about the fishtank: I will not be posting direct pictures of the fishtank. I think it's something that you have to see in-game to experience the full appreciation of it. If anyone wishes to use it in one of their maps, they will of course have to let me know and give me credit for it in their map post. If someone wants to make their own, go right ahead. Feel free to download this map and take a look at mine for reference. :p
  7. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    You know I Wanted to post before I would have to end up on the bottom of page 3... but w/e SO agreed on so many factor on why this map is great... but I HAVE to say I Saw it first! lol...I had the first Forgasmic... over the fish tank!
  8. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    ewwwww G04. lol
    Now I'm imagining a bunch of spartan jizz from all the forgegasms all over my beautiful fishtank. Disgusting. Who's gonna clean that up?

    Oh, and it is true. G043R was the first to see the map. I did some talking to him about aesthetics, trying to get some ideas from all his artificer knowledge, but I didn't end up using any of them. Thanks anyway buddy. You talking about traffic cones as flood spores got me onto the track of using them as fish. So it was inspiring.
  9. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Ahhh, the long awaited Troika has been released! I shall be playing this map all weekend long!
  10. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    When I loaded up the map for the first time I remember seeing some little red things moving around in the corner of my eye. My first thought was that you were somehow using explosions to create sparks. Then I saw the fish tank and was just taken aback by how clever it was.

    The entire map is great. All the different little nooks and crannies, and how fluid jumping from platform to platform is, the whole thing is just really impressive. I don't even know how you would plan out a map like this, seems like trying to put this all together ahead of time would be impossible.
  11. krazy2dope

    krazy2dope Ancient
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    so it says fishtank included and i see all these comments about the fish moving and im downloadin it now and playing it and i think this maps plays and looks great 5/5
  12. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    your map definetly has a unique feel/look to it. i like it.
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    seriously, the fish tank is the coolest thing since DTL's train.
  14. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Heh, I remember playing this map. =P

  15. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    amazing map! i love the fish tank. u can haz epic win neverless.
  16. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    What? You must have forgotten a little wodden conveyor belt. But this is the coolest thing since that.
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    step one: open fist
    step two: look at palm
    step three: make forehead meet palm, quickly

    apologies Cosmic, please note that post was made at 4:39am my time lol
  18. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    I played this in TGIF which was before this was posted which makes me go ????? but I liked it then and i liked it now I love the fish tank on this map 5/5
  19. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Cycloplean 2! This looks awesome from the pictures and from them I'm already thinking feature and (only neverless will get this) $20 more (or was it 40?)

    Disco lights effect is constant... adds to the fun...
    #39 stouf761, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
    NeverlessWonder likes this.
  20. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    believe it or not I seriously DL;ed this map just because of the fish tank lol. great job I like the walls there great. 5/5

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