Triton Created by Ballika [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer/Team Slayer [br] Map Description Triton uses the entire space offered by foundry. The locker rooms have been turned into weapons stockpiles. exiting these rooms can be dangerous since being on the lowest part of this map at any time makes you vulnerable to attack from above. there is a bridge connecting side one to side two, as well as another bridge at a higher elevation. It is also possible to travel along the small ledge on the ceiling, serving as a third bridge. Triton was designed to allow BR range combat possible nearly everywhere. This map is symmetrical with only a few small exceptions. I payed close attention to detail so you should find this map is pleasing to the eye as well as competitively playable. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Looking towards "side 2" where the weapons stores are [br] Looking towards "side 1" center [br] Looking towards "side 1" left [br] Looking towards "side 1" right [br] looking towards "side 2" right [br] Upper walkways meet in the Center [br] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Please give me any feedback you might have. Hope you like it! Thanks to Kurbs118 and TheBishop104 for the help. Also This is my first Map post so please let me know if my format was incorrect or pictures too large. Thanks. [br] Download Triton
Re: Triton (fixed thread please read again) I don't know about this. There doesn't seem to be anything going for this map. It is all kinda basic. Also, change your thread title to only that of your map name, little side comments are not permitted in the title. - Brute Captain
Re: Triton (fixed thread please read again) I'm glad you're following posting guidelines, but please only place your map title in your thread name. {Edited}
Yes, it saves me some work too. (Well not really since someone else got to it first). I like the fact that you used the crane hook, I think I might check it out this weekend.