The map looks well made and reminds me of Heretic from Halo 3. But there is a bit too many power weapons on the map. Besides this, i look forward to any future changes.
Thanks for the info I have removed the concussion rifle on the green base platform and replaced the rocket launcher with a grenade launcher with a 120 second respawn. Power Weapon List - Team Slayer 2 Snipers - One for each team - 180 sec respawn - 2 extra clips Shotgun - 120 sec respawn - 2 extra clips Grenade Launcher - 120 sec respawn - 2 extra clips Sword - 180 sec respawn Power Weapon List - FFA Sniper - 180 sec respawn - 2 extra clips Shotgun - 120 sec respawn - 2 extra clips Grenade Launcher - 120 sec respawn - 2 extra clips Sword - 180 sec respawn Let me know of any other ideas or changes you think should be made. Thanks EpicChief
So i looked at the map and found some worrysome weapon placements and massive ammo counts. So i compiled a list of the changes that you should probably think about making: -Move Concussion Rifle to bottom green mid -change concussion rifle mags to 1 -remove rockets -remove snipers at bases -change sniper mags to 0 -change shotgun mags to 0 - sink grav lifts into floor a bit at orange base -Move shotgun to mid platform -Move sniper to old shotgun spawn -Make players actually land on sword spawn -add purple light to sword spawn?
Hey Epic, I will be uploading a revised version soon, thanks for the advice [br][/br]Edited by merge: New triton v.2 coming soon, diregard this posting