TRITON V.2 Created by SaVaGe SpAnK Introducing a re-edited version of Triton, with new changes to weapon placement, structure and aesthetic value. The initial design started with a basic drawing, allowing me to create a great flow and aesthetic appeal without any framerate lag. While this supports all gametypes except invasion, I designed the map for team slayer and FFA modes . I've had a few tests with FFA, Team Slayer and CTF, all worked very well with positive feedback from other players. This new version would not have been created had it not been for the testers and the excellent feedback and advice from EpicChief117 ~ greatly appreciated The map is set up with a custom designed red and blue base, symmetrical on both sides. Due to too much cover on the previous version of the map, I removed two structures on the floor to create more of an open combat area. In addition to these changes, I have added different pieces to the map to allow for better movement and flow around the map. I removed the two lifts by the orange base and replaced them with inclines. I also removed the two snipers at each base and instead have the sniper with one extra clip located under the single center ramp. Two lifts near the green and orange base lead to the sword spawn in the center of the map, also accessible to jet-packers. The shotgun is located on the center platform under the sword spawn and has only one extra clip. The sword is not seen in the pictures because I picked it up when testing for framerate lag in the map and didn’t realize it until after the photos were taken.The sword spawn is on the upper middle platform underneath the purple light. In verson 1, players could not land on the platform where the sword spawns. As per EpicChief117's advice, I have changed it so players can land and have another vantage point during matchmaking. The concussion rifle is located on the floor under green base. There are a limited number of DMR’s and Needle Rifles as well as limited grenades. Instead of using a rocket launcher in this map, there is a grenade launcher located at green base with one extra clip. The concussion rifle has limited ammo as well. DOWNLOAD MAIN VIEW ; SHOTGUN LOCATED IN CENTER OF MIDDLE PLATFORM Y RED BASE BLUE BASE BOTTOM FLOOR VIEW UNDER BLUE BASE ANGLE EXITING BLUE BASE – SAME FOR BOTH TEAMS GREEN BASE – CONCUSSION SPAWN ON BOTTOM FLOOR TOP OF GREEN BASE UNDER GREEN BASE LOOKING ACROSS FROM GREEN BASE ORANGE BASE GRENADE LAUNCHER – ORANGE BASE
Cool map, the lift off of orange base looks temping...worth a download. By the way, what photo website do you use to upload your images? Mine always say "resized, etc".
The Grenade Launcher should have 2 or 3 extra clips that way you have 3 or 4 grenades. Other than that I like the map. It reminds me of Sandbox.
Thanks for the comments. I use photobucket for my pics. I think it has code embedded that resizes the images to fit on any site, but they are img links so maybe thats why. Thanks for the download and let me know what you think of the gameplay. Cheers [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks for the comment. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure there are extra clips, I think two. I reduced the power weapon count during the re-edit. I don't think I changed the clip count on the grenade launcher. I'll check later when I get off work and make a list of the weapon counts. Should have done that anyways. Much appreciated.