P.S. I just had a thought, if anyone viewing this has 3D glasses can you tke a look at this picture with them and let me know how it looks, i want to know whether it would work or not. GOOD REP IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED!!!
Wow thats familiar i dont remember from where though... but i do remember donkey kong was with me....
The effect looks great! And the lowered sniper is a great touch .. The effect is good but it gives me a headache =[ Good job! =]
Wow thanks, again, i think i will give you + rep cause you have said some good about all my screens and given me some new ideas P.S. I wonder what it would look like if you were wearing 3D glassses, since it has the red and the blue parts
Dude you're trippin! lol. Nice pic but it may surprise you to find that many other people use this effect very ofton 6/10 sorry
i like it... looks neat lowered sniper is tight looking... looks old and the longer u look the more apperent the red and blue are... nice three-D glasses would look cool i see what u mean... Looks good... maybe a better background drop next time but this is nice... 9.7/10
That looks pretty cool. I like the sepia effect with the colors in some places. Pretty nice shot. Also, I like the armor on the spartan.