
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kapura, Mar 26, 2008.

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  1. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Triplex Map Download
    Trisault one-sided assault variant[/aname]

    [jumpto=AS]Assault Spawn[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=wall]The Wall[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=check]The Checkpoint[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=snipe]Sniper Corner[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=DS]Defense Spawn[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=power]Power Room[/jumpto]

    Already submitted in my Guilder Application,Triplex brings out some of the most complex forge map making which I have ever done, and it is a hugely complex map. Not a noob-friendly game, this map is supposed to be highly tactical, encouraging use of such things as scouts, team communication, and concrete goal setting.

    This large-ish (6-10 players max) map's main feature is one time use, destructible spawn points, which vary the geometry after the detonation. A secondary complexity was added on after that, being the checkpoint teleporter system used by both teams. But more about that later.
    For the map description, it makes the most sense to follow the flow of the game in order.

    [/aname]This shot shows the attackers' spawn area, with a few modest weapons, the checkpoint teleporter, and the bomb spawn. Behind the shield doors in the back of the picture is a not-shown beam rifle, useful for picking defenders off of the wall.


    [/aname]This is the first piece of destructible scenery, The Wall. The defenders all start on in, along with a couple BRs, a Sniper Rifle, and a pair of turrets. A Needler is also available to the Attackers in this area, but it is not pictured in this shot. The Wire Spools serve as dynamic cover, with both sides able to move them around with bullets of fists. Once the attackers have fought the bomb forward to the wall, they jump on the single crates and stand for about 3 seconds to plant the bomb, then it is advised that they get out quickly.
    The wall will completely explode when the bomb goes off, and all people in the area should be advised to look out for falling debris.


    [/aname]After destroying the wall, it is Highly recommended that the attackers unlock the checkpoint from their base to this teleporter behind the wall by shooting the fusion coils behind the shield door (shown). The other teleporter in the picture leads to the second checkpoint.


    [/aname]The next point of interest that the attackers pass is the Sniper Corner, which is directly accessible for the first 3 minutes from the Defense Spawn area via teleporter (the right teleporter goes to a receiver behind the wall). Here, the attackers must pass a choke point caused by a defenseman sniping, along with the Trip Mine equipment. Often the most competitive part of the map in test runs, this point should not be underestimated on the journey to point #2.


    [/aname]This is the second plant point, The Depot. The attackers need to get the bomb into the open box, stand on top of the crates, and then get the fudge out in the quest to destroy the (fictional) arms depot of the defenders. Blowing up this point automatically unlocks the second checkpoint, directly accessible form the teleporter at Checkpoint 1.


    [/aname]This area is one of the default spawn areas for Defenders, and the Attackers must pass through here on the way to the last bomb point. There are a couple BRs, a Needler, and a Sword around the room, and the teleporter in the corner takes the person to the Sniper Point for 3 minutes until it becomes automatically blocked.


    [/aname]The second interior room on the quest for #3, this almost barren room contains a couple of maulers in the corners, and the Power Plant, which can easily be destroyed to stop anyone coming near it. The mancannons, along with other passages, lead into the Core Room.


    [/aname]This is the final bomb point room, The Core. The attackers must get to the top of the room by taking the various ramps, gravlifts, and box jumps up to the top, and plant the bomb to win the round. The room contains two turrets, along with a flamethrower to help the defenders keep the last point from being destroyed.
    The resulting explosion, along with the stupid martyr who didn't jump down.


    The game then switches sides for the second round.

    [aname=notes]I[/aname]t should be noted that this map is more complex than what was written above, and there are a number of little secrets for people who explore and wait. The most notable are the following:
    -A Mongoose that spawns after 3 minutes in front of the shield door leading from the attackers spawn area to the wall
    -A few pieces of equipment that reward people for taking the long way around, or finding cover

    And a final note: In case you didn't notice, this map is very complex, so when playing with others, you should tell them the bare minimum that each point can only be bombed once, and you must progress the bomb to score.


    As always feedback PLOX.

    Also, if you like the idea, Predicide has a version on Last Resort, Amphibious Threat
    #1 Kapura, Mar 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2008
  2. Sgt Hamburger

    Sgt Hamburger Ancient
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    i dont know why, but for me, a fun, objective based map is a higher priority for download than just a good looking one.
    This looks very fun to play in with a lot of friends

    +1 download

    also, i like your use of anchor points to get around your post very cool

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Bonus points for not using Foundry or Standoff :squirrel_wink:
  4. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Well, there really weren't too many other levels I could have chosen from. If you DL the map, you'll see I use Open Containers, which I beleive are limited to a grand total of Two maps that have been released by bungie.
  5. Altair4PM

    Altair4PM Ancient
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    Looks very good, one question, how did u se it so u can only bomb each place once???
  6. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    is this an updated version cuz i think i saw this before here a couple months ago.
  7. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Well, I don't need to tell you that I'm crazy about this map... I think I have already made that clear in other ways. But I will anyway. What a great origional concept. Also, I am very aware of what a delicate system this is and what a pain it is to pull off, which you did, so congratulations.

    Oh, I think this can be done on Standoff as well. I have some ideas. I don't plan on doing it, but if anyone feels ambitious, PM me. Beyond that... who knows what the Legendary pack will allow? Anyway, if we get a good enough library of Trisault maps, how could it not become a FH standard gametype?
  8. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    If youre ever playing this, invite me. It looks like fun
  9. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I have played on this before. I remeber that I really liked how neat and well forged it looked, very cool.
  10. MadMaxZH55

    MadMaxZH55 Ancient
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  11. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    Big explosion...BOOM

    Love it

    GREY JORDAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very nice idea with the destructable scenary!
  13. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    this map looks simply awsome, great job!
  14. TheLollipopLad

    TheLollipopLad Ancient
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    cool this very cool you got my download
  15. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    This is definitely a download for me, I like people who use creativity, not worry about the neatness too much, and a non-foundry map is good every once in a while.
  16. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Wow awesome idea, reminds me of planting a c4 on desert storm for regular xbox.
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