well after waiting semi patiently for geevee to upload my video for three days it finally came, just wanted to share with you guys and get all the praise i deserve and get a few congratulations from you. http://www.geevee.com/index.php?p=viewvideo&v=63552 i dont think i can imbed geevee can I? I will obviously say that i was completely lucky in this clip, i had maybe 5 other kills with the laser in this game and i usually do horrible with it, so... well theres not enough video for you to say i suck to i guess no need to say feel free to give criticism. thanks for watching... and reading
i'm sure it was cool for you, but for me it wasn't anything special. It was too much work to click a link to go to a different site to watch such a video...
i rarely get one kill in a game with a laser, and i hear a lot of people brag about a double with the laser, so i thought it was pretty sweet when i got a triple, but yeah i know what you mean. is there a way to embed geevee? edit: nvm i just remembered a way i can get it on youtube ill try that within the next couple of days