Triple Threat, a unique assault map and not just because it isn't on Foundry Trissault, the 1 sided assault variant EDIT: there is a new build of my map up. Link is still above, changes listed at the bottom of this post. Some pictures obsolete as of new build, but nyeh. Well, this is probably the most time I've spent on any one map, with the possible exception of Thermopylae. It is a hyper complex assault map, featuring multiple, destructible bomb plant points. I got the idea while reading about Digital Molecular Matter and the ability to have destructible environments when I thought: "wouldn't it be cool to be able to actually destroy things in assault?" And it is cool. Unfortunately, there is no destroy in order option in Forge, so I decided to make the bomb spawns on what they were supposed to be destroying, so that each thing could only be blown up once for the most part. By making a pretty much linear level, I can dictate what they destroy in order, unless people try to make the game harder on themselves. And By adding "Checkpoints" after the first two destructions, I can ensure that the majority of the assaulting team's time isn't being spent running through rubble. [/WallOfText] Now for the real map description: It makes sense to start with the Assaulters' Spawn Area, as they have to progress the round. They start out with humble but not horrible weapons: BRs, a few Shotguns, and behind the shield doors, a couple of Beam Rifles. You can also see the bomb spawn and the teleporter, used for the checkpoints (discussed later). And now the Defenders' Spawn. They start out in between plant points 2 and 3, so to make it easier to defend the wall, I added a teleporter to take the defenders to the defense snipe point (covered later) which has a teleporter to the wall. The weapons in the spawn area are BRs, Needlers, and Swords. The first bomb point: the wall. There is no way around it, just over it if you are suicidal and through it if you are smart. The defenders all start on the wall, which contains a few BRs and a couple clipless sniper rifles. The assaulters can hide behind the wire spools, but they should be careful to make sure they don't roll away. The bomb plant point is on top of the single boxes on the face of the wall, in an area where neither of the turrets can reach. After the successful arming of the bomb, there is an explosion. Anyone on the wall or near it is almost sure to die. And it is important immediately after the bombing to watch out for falling debris, or prepare to be flattened by a container. After destroying the wall, the Attackers can open up a "Checkpoint" teleporter by shooting the fusion coils behind the shield door. This will allow any respawning attacker to quickly move up the field. The second checkpoint leading from Checkpoint one to the Second Bomb Site is automatically unlocked after the second bomb explosion. This is the defense sniper point. The left teleporter is the receiver from the base, and the right teleporter leads to the wall. There are two sniper rifles leaning against the wall. The defenders can easily pick off the Attackers coming up the slope from the wall. Cover is not nonexistent, but to call it "scarce" is an understatement. This is the defenders main outpost until the second bomb is destroyed. This is the second bomb point: the Supply Depot. The assaulter needs to be on top of the second single box in order to arm the bomb, at which point getting the fudge out is advised. Teh asplosion. It unlocks the second checkpoint teleporter inside the rightmost box. Now there is only one more bomb point available. As the assaulters continue on, the pass through first the Defense Spawn area and then the Power Station. This was originally going to be a bomb plant point, but I took it out because people kept shooting at the fusion coils for some reason... Now it is just a piece of scenery, and there are a couple maulers in some of the corners. The final bomb point, the "core" if you will. In order to plant the bomb, the attackers must fight their way up to the top and stand on the crate up there. The defenders can utilize the two turrets in this room, and at three minutes both a flamethrower and a Spartan Laser spawn in fairly central locations. After the bomb is planted... The third explosion goes off, and the round is over. Now the defenders get to try their luck at bombing things. Nu Build Online I finally got a few small parties to test, along with some very helpful feedback. Changes: Weapons: - All snipers are in original places, but in each sniper spawn there is only one sniper instead of two. One at assault spawn, one at defense snipe point, and one starting on the wall. Respawn times have also been increased dramatically. - No more spartan laser. Most people didn't even find it. - Weapons have been spread out. Each start point only contains two BRs now, one close range weapon, and in the case of def spawn, one needler. - Added mongoose just outside of Assault shield door. Doesn't spawn for 2 minutes. - Added plasma pistol on the "balcony" overlooking plant point two to slow down said mongoose - One needler in a corner by the wall on Attacker's side, just outside of the shield door Equipment: - Added power drain in checkpoint one in between the teleporters - Added bubble Shield inside of an open container on the Defense side of wall. - Added Flare in back room from Def spawn to Core (think where The Cellars is played) - Added Trip Mine by Defense Sniper Outpost Scenery: - Moved up open box overlooking Point Two - Blocked off open ends of box using Spools and Grav Lifts - Added a great deal of cover in between the Wall and Point 2 - Added Grav Lift and Single Boxes to assist with getting to the top in the Core - Made wall slightly more explosive - Got rid of a couple Spools in front of the wall After fooling with the gametype, it seems that 60 second bomb reset times seem to work better than 15 seconds. But I'm too lazy to modify my gametype and repost it just for that. As always, feedback greatly appreciated.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build I love it, except for the huge amount of weapons clumped together. Ah, well. Queued.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build I really, really like the idea behind this map. If it actually works, it'll be great. If you want help testing, add me (GT=Cosmic Rick), and I'll assist as best I can. As long as you'll help me out once in a while, too.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build I didn't know that one could make bomb plant points have spawn order, but that is really useful info, I've downloaded and will edit this post when I get a chance to try it out. Looks really good! GT=Turbo Gerbil604, if you want me to help you test.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build Wow, now I feel bad for ignoring your request for testers. I'll definitely help now. I didn't even think about a game with one bomb and the round not ending after a plant. This sounds really cool, and I want to help make sure it is executed well so I'm going to download and try to offer some suggestions. First some questions. Is it possible for the defenders to disarm the bomb? If no, does it explode immediately? If yes, I suggest a 5 second fuse and a 10 second disarm time so that it gives the attacker time to get away and makes it so defenders cannot disarm. EDIT: I saw you stated a 5 second fuse on your Bungie thread, so no disarm, right? Right now my main concern is defenders camping the teleporter exits for cheap kills. Have you thought about that yet? Anyway, some of my other questions will be answered when I check out the map, which sadly might not be until tomorrow.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build You actually can't through the Forge interface, but by making each point obsolete after destruction you can get almost the same effect. I know that I put a five second fuse on the bomb, and the disarm time is either 3 or 5 seconds, neither one really giving the defenders a chance to disarm the bomb. I had thought about teleporter camping, but none of the teleporters are two way, which helps slightly, and there is always the walk around if somebody is camping.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build This looks and sounds very well thought out. I wouldn't mind playing it with you sometime. I'm usually kind of sketchy with time because I'm a married man, but I should be available tonight after midnight Central time.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build Looks great. I really like the fact its on Rats Nest. Ill d/l when I get my xbox back.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build Any feedback? Please? I need to know what I can do to make this map as polished as possible.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build my opinion is that is it awesome, i espically love the wall part, it would be fun to be on top of it when it blows up
Re: Triple Threat: λ build This is an excellent idea, and map. I'm sorry to say though that the clumped together weapons ruin it. The game might turn into Team BR's because of the amount of them you have on the map. Aside from weapons though your design is brilliant. Good job.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build I tried to make this as much about the assault as possible, so I gave each team what I deemed to be sufficient weapons to assault or defend. If you have ideas about different ways to spawn the weapons, I would be glad to hear them.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build I just getting a bad feel for you map... don't take this the wrong way..but it seems like the map is more of a change of plant points then the map altering .... when i thought you said the place changes...i thought it would be like the building alters..and you have to start over again... and assault to finish the thing off.. like hitting teh buildings 3 main walls... and then at the end it totally collapsing... this is creative..but I miss understood it... probly will not download..but does inspire others to make things better... good job... Forge on...
Re: Triple Threat: λ build Kapura, I really like this idea. Here's my first impressions from the Lambda build. The first arm spot: I know that turrets are "anchored" objects, meaning you can't move then with explosions. Are you sure that a bomb exploding will move the two containers with the turrets up top? I couldn't test an actual explosion so I tested a few trip mines plus a rocket. Everything flew nicely except the two containers with the turrets up top. Maybe a bomb will blow up the turrets so the containers can move, but I don't know. Did you test for that yet? Also, the single crate that sits on the defender's teleporter is set to respawn at 180 seconds. Is this to prevent them from spawn camping later in the match? Getting to the second arm spot: I know you haven't put down all the equipment yet, but I think the attackers would like a bubble shield here. Cover is scarce, like you said. After the second arm spot: There is a location to the right of the second arm spot where there are some red pipes. Players can jump on those and then on the boxes to get out of the play area. Worse, they can camp above the teleporter exit and attack the attackers as they come through. You can bet I'd use this cheap, but probably effective tactic. I suggest moving the top box forward, if you can, to eliminate that spot. Also, put a barrier up there so no one can get up there or get out of the play area (and potentially be stuck out there). Getting to the third arm spot: It looks like there are only two ways to the third spot from the second spot: going straight through the top level or going around the long way on the top level. Why did you put a crate in the doorway on the lower level? That confuses me. With the abundance of swords and a mauler up there, it is a great place for the defenders to camp for easy kills. That will be frustrating for the attackers. Frustrating games are not fun to play. I suggest opening up that bottom dorway to let the attackers through there too. If they want to risk it with all those fusion coils then let them. Also, some frag grenades that you can bounce around those doorways will really help the attackers. Maybe a power drain to throw around the bend, too. Once they get to the core, maybe a grav lift to give them another way up there, if they have time to set up the jump with those turrets shooting at them. General Suggestions: I'm not a fan of having all the weapons clumped together like that. It makes you look too lazy to place them around the map. I think you should spread them out for the next build of this map. Maybe a few BRs down by the wire spools or leaning up against the walls on the way there. With them all clumped together, you run right there as soon as you spawn and it gets repetitive. With them spaced out, there is at least some variability as you look around for the weapon you want. Where are the grenades and equipment? I know this is an early build, but the finished version really needs these things. Don't give the defenders trip mines because they will place them in the doorways and on the teleporter exits. Be careful where you put bubble shields because they are a bomb carrier's best friend. It's easy to get bomb beatdowns with a bubble shield. Maybe give the attackers a needler or two. It would be fun to needle someone off of one of those turrets. Maybe also give the attackers a mongoose so they can move the bomb faster if someone is camping the teleporters. It will have to spawn outside of the initial shield door, of course. And it will only be useful after the first bomb has exploded, since the wall of containers will be there. If you give players more options, there will be more ways to play the map, and it will have a higher replay factor. In other words, it won't get old as fast. Like I said earlier, I like this idea a lot. I can't wait to see the next version.
Re: Triple Threat: λ build I was against loading the map till Furious reviewed it.. now... after my 1 vs 1 on the map... i have to say... the bomb can be planted on the same plots over and over again... you may want to move it off the ground..because sometimes the wire spools or crate was just close enough for me to arm it... kinda sucks once they arm it... um... i was also going to note that the bomb explosion should be the way the next section is opened... like have it under the containers... would that work? just wondering... but now playing it i like it more... if you need tester PM me.. i open most of the time