
Discussion in 'Map Discussion' started by Barry Cavett, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. Barry Cavett

    Barry Cavett Mythic

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    Your view about this Map?
  2. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Did you seriously buy an xbox one just now? I thought you were giving this map up for adoption. Glad you spent the time and money to make this come alive. Looking forward to a video or more screenshots. I keep wanting to click the play button...
    Also, this isn't very intuitive but on your map page, there is a "Design" tab to the right of the "Overview" and "Reviews" area. This is a place where you can upload a 3d model of your sketchup so we can see it!
    #1 WAR, Dec 22, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014
  3. Barry Cavett

    Barry Cavett Mythic

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    Haha no didn't go buy one. My friend let me use his for a day so had to slap this together real quick. I was looking to give it up to someone cause I won't have a box for awhile but noone messaged so just went ahead and did it.
    Yeah sorry about the play button screenshots lol. I'll try to fix that. I also posted a link to a "highlight" i created on twitch as a video walkthrough.
    Oh nifty. I didn't see that. I'll look into throwing up my 3d render of it and some other design notes that I have.
    Thanks for the feedback War!

    EDIT: Tried uploading the 3d model using the file uploader and the sketchfab URL but neither seems to have worked. Here's a direct link to the model viewer
    #1 Barry Cavett, Dec 22, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014

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