
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DeeperB1ue, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. DeeperB1ue

    DeeperB1ue Forerunner

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    Trinity is a small symmetrical map designed to incorporate close quarters fighting, long lines of sight, and jumps to improve map mobility. It is based off a middle structure with 3 prongs, all leading to the center of the map where sword spawns. Other ways to get around the map include a "ring" around the outer edges of the map, as well as just walking through the lower "ground" section of the map. Trinity consists of 3 main bases, each having a prong to sword spawn. 2 bases are on one side of sword spawn, and the 3rd base is on the other side of sword spawn. Any critisism for Trinity will be greatly appreciated.

    Weapon list:
    6 Dmrs
    2 Needle Rifles
    2 Spikers
    1 Sniper
    1 Sword

    Download Here

    Picture time:









    #1 DeeperB1ue, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2011
  2. ScareCrow813

    ScareCrow813 Forerunner

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    This map looks very good. The aesthetics are amazing and i like the little center piece thing. You have defintly got my download!!!!
  3. DeeperB1ue

    DeeperB1ue Forerunner

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    Thanks for the comment =]

    I had posted maps here on other accounts (forgot the login info) and this is the first comment I've received.
  4. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Trinity is a symmetric map designed for two to eight players. It is focused around slayer and King of the Hill. Gameplay in either mode will end up being centered on control of the middle, as both power weapons lie on the line of symmetry. This along with the map’s design causes the majority of the action to be fast paced and straightforward. Players often rush the middle of the map for control and power weapons, meet an inevitable death and respawn again, a cycle that repeats throughout the entire game.

    This cycle gets stale fairly quickly and will probably lead to players losing interest in the map. King of the Hill encourages this behavior even further by awarding players for this mad dash to the center. Crazy King, on the other hand offers a slight respite from central dominance by forcing players to move to other locations to score points. Unfortunately subpar hill placement stops the action from straying too far from the center. Because gametypes play so similarly, the replay value of Trinity is not boosted in that sense.

    While the map itself suffers no major flaw other than the layout, this alone is enough to heavily weigh down the map. No real flair spiced up gameplay or allowed for deep strategic gameplay, discouraging the competitive crowd Trinity desires to attract.

    This is not to say Trinity does not have any good features. These elements do exist and create interesting gameplay with the height variation around the outer ring and bottom middle of the map. The central prong creates interesting gameplay elements with its interesting pathways across the top of the map and has the right amount of cover to prevent players from staying too long but it provides enough for anyone passing by. This creates a nice pattern of movement around the map when the middle is more contested. New players may enjoy the first few minutes simply due to these features. Unfortunately, once players discover the middle dominance, all of these features are overshadowed and lost to the repetitive cycle mentioned above.



    Trinity is a symmetric map, meaning no team will ever have an advantage over the other when the match begins. The power weapons present on Trinity are a sword on the middle platform and the sniper near the edge both placed in the line of symmetry. Both of these weapons complement each other due to the drastic differences in their effective ranges. While the weapons appear close together it takes a bit of maneuvering to grab both of them, and a small map like Trinity allows ample time for the other team to intervene. These weapons lie in locations that are easy to siege but not abnormally difficult to secure.

    Aside from the power weapons, the weapon sandbox is very limited and bland on Trinity. Only rifles and two spikers compliment these power weapons and as such do not encourage many play styles other than the central control that dominates Trinity. The center encourages this behavior by providing lines of sight across the entire map and by offering cover from multiple angles of attack. The rifles that populate Trinity cause the battles to become primarily ranged combat across the central platform and bridges with occasional spiker or assault rifle ambushes as players vie for control of this dominant location. A team that can control the top then assumes the job of picking off the other team before they can reach the central platform and surrounding area. The defenders can easily move to a position to best attack the enemy and the low amount of spawn points on Trinity make the center a good place to set up for a spawn trap. The sniper in its spawning location can devastate players attacking from the top of the map, and the bottom of the map can be covered simply by height and cover advantages. Two players can cover the central platform from attack simply due to the cover and weaponry provided to the defenders. Middle control on Trinity is abnormally powerful and difficult to counter, making for a poor combination.

    The outer ring and ramps can shield players from the center but offer little else; no objective ever lies on the outer ting and the position does not offer a way to attack the dominant opponent. The problem does not lie in the quantity of routes to and from the center but rather how easily defendable these routes are.



    Written by Plasma Blades

    Due to the fact that it is completely enclosed, Trinity is absolutely inescapable. However, escaping a map is not the only way to exploit its design. A location that is incredibly overpowered can be exploited just as much as escaping the map.

    One location in particular on the map provides for an abnormally high vantage point, as well as adequate cover should the player be fired upon. The side walkways in the map uses glass covers to block incoming fire. Merged into this glass cover are a four by four flat block and an extra large platform. A player using a jetpack can easily reach this area, and because of the lack of a kill barrier, stay there. This location is higher than any other point in the map which quickly turns it into a powerful position. In conjunction with the platform for cover, it is nearly impossible for a player without a jetpack to kill another player exploiting this location.

    The only other prevalent issue concerning the durability of Trinity is the spawning. Due to the ease of traversing the map, it is incredibly easy to chase down a spawning player, making spawn killing a common concern. Long lines of sight and fewer than fifty respawn points enhance this flaw. While it is not such a problem with the small teams that this map is intended for, it is still a setback nonetheless.



    Trinity has a sleek aesthetic theme and is a very clean map. Aside from one case of z-fighting by the lower ramp in the center of the map, the interlocking on Trinity is smooth, and shows no other instance of z-fighting. Trinity is constructed well with pieces that complement each other. Unfortunately, the gray coliseum walls surrounding Trinity are not as pleasing to look at as the rest of the map as they are very bland and stick out.

    The other issue plaguing the aesthetics on Trinity is the lack of color distinction on either side of the map. Both sides are neutral white, making orientation difficult for players. While this is not very noticeable due to the gameplay revolving around the center, it is an issue regardless.



    While Trinity does not stun players with a totally new concept, not many competitive maps are built around a three prong central platform that extends to the outer reaches of the map. As it stands, this layout is intriguing but is not exceptional. It stands about average in respect to providing a new experience, as Trinity definitely feels like its own map, but does not bring anything drastically new to the table.



    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 4.0x3.0 = 12/30
    Balance: 3.0x3.0 = 9/30
    Durability: 6.0x1.5 = 9/15
    Aesthetics: 6.0x1.5 = 9/15
    Originality: 5.0x1.0 =57/10

    TOTAL SCORE = 44/100



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