Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Trigger(a very small map) Me and Beckon made this one a while back ( as most of my recents posts are) Trigger is a super small 1v1 map, setup for slayer, and slayer make sure you turn starting nades off, because its all covie, and starting nades are found to make spawnkilling very easy Weapons include carbines x4 Plasma pistols x2 stickies x4 plasma rifles x2 wraiths x2 (inaccesable, just to piss people off) Capture out!
looks pretty nice the layout and idea is new and i really like it, youv took ur time on this and looks like it will b allot of fun. good job, some more pics would b nice
Hmm. I know it's a small map, but an overview would have been good. I also cannot see several aspects of the map because it looks like there could be a whole nother level where the wall descends (i know there more than likely isn't).
the interlocking is very nice. looks small maybe good for 1v1.. you may want to post more pics and a equiptmeant list.
looks really really small, but thats good for small parties! and besides small maps are the new avalanche
Are there spawn killing issues because of it's tinyness? Overall, looks like a good one, I suppose. I LOVE your name.