Did you guys like Call of Duty 4? I personally thought the campaign was one of the best on any console ever. Did you guys take offense to the fact that part of it took place in Pripyat, the city where the Chernobyl disaster occurred? This disaster is thought to have been responsible for more than 10,000 deaths, both direct and as a result of illness. You and I don't really think about this kind of thing, but to someone living in the Ukraine, this scene might bring back painful memories. Do you guys get offended when people make "Your Mom" jokes? Do you laugh? My mother passed away three years ago from lung cancer. You know what... I don't take offense. I even laugh on occasion. You can't live life in the past. You have to move on and look to the future. More people die in car accidents every year than died on 9/11. My father died in a car accident last year. Should we restrict car accidents from being shown in movies or written about in books? Whether lost in a car accident or a terrorist attack... a tragedy is a tragedy. Life goes on. You can't worry every day that you're going to hurt someone's feelings by avoiding life issues. Death is inevitable for us all. We'll all experience the death of loved ones at some time in our lives. As long as your intentions are good, then nobody can fault you. I applaud your attempt to pay tribute to 9/11.
I agree... I mean i know your trying to honour 911... but its a video- game ( and yes, a good one at that).... It still mite anger those families...
Ergh...Why are we still arguing about this? Paranormal, that post was made nearly 3 months ago. Opinions might have changed.
HaloStriker said it all. My Dad, Uncle, and my Dads 2 best friends I knew really well were in there for some meeting or work thing when it happened. I was only 6 when it happened and I didn't really get what happended. I learned what happended like 4 years later and people made fun of me at school.
i was hoping to never see a map like this...seeing how many lives were lost in the actual tragedy...im not liking how you put a spawn point to where all those explosives are placed...i consider that a mockery of what actually happened. i am disappointed
its a tribute but i doent think i would play anygames onit, ppl dying around it and init just seems disrespectfull but just giv it a salute would b ok
How the hell is this a tribute when you could explode the towers.I live in the city so this just might be my opinion but this is the most degrading map ever.
this is kind of dicriminating i do belive that you did do a good job art wise but you really shoyuldnt do that some people may take it the wrong way
I don't think a tribute would involve the whole...horrible occurance part. Shouldn't it just be the towers themselves?
I know this is a tribute, so I don't find you disgusting. The firetruck I think is the best part of the map, it's a really good map, but it's too bad no one would actually want to play halo 3 on a WTC map.
looks nice, but you should probably change the name, like Hurricane Katrina, it might offend people. Though it is a tribute, so I dunno
I find this very disrespectful to all the men and women lost on that tragic day. When you make a tribute to something you don't put exsplosions in it. That would be like a tribute to WWII and having a replica atom bomb go off. It is hurtful for people to have to relive those memories, even in a video game. You do not have my DL and these maps never will.
... I don't really think people want to play on a map which is trying to replicate an event that they have lost there relatives to.
hmmm. i like the fire trucks alot but fighting in and around the twin towers doesn't seem to honor it much since you are adding deaths to the event. I don't mind but some might