that was my idea!!!! you stole my fucn idea!!!! i sent on o those twice as good into bungie, and they sent a letter back saying -quote this map is disrespectfull, and shuold not be played on xbox live. donot send something like this in again, or you will be taken away the opritunity to post another map. fucn bull!#@$! !!!!!!!!!!!!! that was my idea!!!!!... still...-....its a pretty good map...but mine was better!!!!!!!!!!!ha ha ha ha!!! :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: JUST TRY TO IGNORE MY DUMB **** SQUIRLS!!!!
Boooooo! I lost my Grandpa in that! Try waiting 23.7 years like Kapura said, then burn you x-box you jerk!
the reason D-Day nd pearl harbor are done is cause its been almost what? 70 years or somethin so its ok, but this was six years ago. still pretty new. were still in war over it. i dnt think its right to map it out...
it doesnt really bother me because it is a tribute, not blowing it up or something, so i think its fine, but then again i didnt lose anyone i know in it, so i cant really talk
I think this has been portayed well. But it can be taken offensive since people lost their lives on 9/11, and it has been turned into a 'game'. I don't think you meant to make it like that, but somethings are better to keep at rest. I do not think it has to do with time, but rather that on 9/11, this was no battle. The people inside of the Twin Towers could not fight against what happened, they were innocent people. For maps like D-Day, it was a battle. Battles are easy to potray in battle games and it can't really be taken offensively. Although it is hard to word what more I have to say, some of these ideas can become very opinionated and contraversal.
no its not... the war is called the "War on Terrorism" not the "War on Oil" Bush declared war because the US was attacked on our own soil and thousands died. That is whu were in war nd y this is such a controversioal topic
If I started a war to kill all republicans, and called it the "War on carrots", would it actually be a war on carrots? No. Just because something is named something doesn't mean it is actually that
I think the people who are offended by this need to just chill out. I know it's controversial, but it's a tribute. He didn't post the map and say "DEATH TO AMERICA!" under it. My dad is a fireman so I know how close this hits to home. He lost some friends that day, but they are still looked at as heroes. So just think of this as a tribute to those serving for our country
i downloaded and its pretty good i must say building are a little iffy but it looks great for screenshots, if used the correct way...
why are so many people deeply offended by this? it was over 7 years ago! How is it so offensive, its not like he put up a giant smiley face. How is it disturbing, people have made maps based on wars. Stop being so sensitive, let people be creative
i completely agree with you. i think the map is a really neat concept, and just like he said, it is a historical event no worse than making a D-Day map. a tribute is a tribute. the firetruck is awesome, i think you should do a fire station map or something of the nature.