I like the fact that you did put "tribute" because without it is a whole different story. Just don't make it a game to play on...ever... I think it may have been a little more pleasant if you had some really inspirational screenshots with it to look away from the chaos and focus on the true heroes of that day.
The aesthetics are great, but I don't envy you for having to spend so much time on it with the actual event in the front of your mind the entire time. I don't think this is like other historical battles at all, because it wasn't a battle for even a second, just a tragedy. I can see how some people might see this as trivializing the event, but it really depends on the author's motives. Personally, though, I think the media's replicated the event too many times. If it's a tribute, then so be it, so long as it's not sensationalizing the whole thing. One of the only things you can be sure of is that replications like these remind us of what happened and what we can do, as a democracy, to keep the event from repeating itself.
Kind of contriversial if you ask me but if you like making tributes well well thats your choice it looks good though.
Like everyone said this map might hurt some people even though it isnt meant to. I agree with that other guy who said that if this map is taken down you should definitly post the firetruck! Or make a firetruck army.(which would only have 2)
regardless of topic or concept, cool map. creating map layouts based on real modern architechture concepts was a good idea, some people just happen to be offended by your choice in inspiration. And poop on them because you obviously did your homework on the landscape. i would venture a guess that people that are griping didn't even know that the WTC was a sprawling complex of buildings, not just the towers. Good job on the map though. Hooooray freedom. (to create anything you want)
The different is in pearl harbor and D-Day, they were trained soldiers prepared to fight. In 9-11, they were women and children being killed defenseless. It still doesn't bother me much, but I know it does to others.
I agree. DDay was no walk in the park, and Pearl Harbor was a tragedy. So I think this is a good map, and I like the idea of plasma turrets on the fire trucks. Makes it seem realistic.
It was a nice thought, but until you are in the position of those who lost friends and family during that treacherous day, you can not understand how people may react to such an idea
well made this be, but a sad sad thing is what it represents. i was there at 9/11, not in the building, but REALLY close to it
You're 100% right, but this map isn't just made for looking at, which at first thought it was, it's made for fighting on. I could never play a game on this map.
this map can be talked about in many ways i think this tribute is very very nice dedicating your time in halo3 to make it yet this may be offending to other people