Looks hard to play on. But pretty fun. I don't think I'll be downloading, but it looks nice and well organized.
Ha. Well thanks for the compliments. When I played CTF with my friends, I probably had 4 suicides. And the flag got dropped off the map plenty of times. Gets frustrating but we were all still laughing really hard.
It looks like a fun map I like how its partly floating it adds a new layer to the gameplay but it looks partly sloppy nothing too major just in spots around the map and by the looks of it in certain parts of the map the sword could be overpowering but overall the map looks nice good job.
Well, the thing with the sword is that, not only does it have a long spawn time, but when the player lunges, they may fly off the edge of the map. So it's actually not that powerful
The Sentinel Beam is at the middle of the bottom level if someone is daring enough to cross to go get it. But the thing is, no weapon can dominate cause a lot of the time the person falls off with a power weapon or it falls off when they die.
i'm in the middle of a similar type of map on StandOff too, guess i better change my idea up a bit ... i know its hard to line stuff up when you're trying to interlock AND use the Save and Quit method at the same time, but i think the map does look a little 'higgledy-piggledy'
Mabey I'm just crazy... I have a feeling your a want-to-be future guilder and you have to build a map variant thats not on foundry...
Ha. Well The bottom is disorganized to make you watch your step and force you to make jumps and such. The bridge to the sniper is supposed to have the gap just for the idiots. And the wall is just basically saying "stay in the map you idiot." But everyone who has played it has had a blast so try it out and maybe you'll feel like those imperfections don't even matter.
Nice guess but wrong. I just like the whole falling off the map idea. And i got tired of Foundry's environment (or lack of).
One of the things I have learned is that the higher up an area of the map is, the less cover it should have, so shouldn't the level with the sword have less cover than the lower levels? I think that you could have done better by simply making the entire level off of the cliff. You may want to try straightening out those platforms if you want your map to look more professional.
The bottom level is not meant to be flat or straight. It makes it harder to go on that. And no- the bottom has the least cover because the flags are there. You can take the quick, difficult way by going on the bottom level, or take the easy, safe way and go upstairs.
:squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: THey are coming to know off the bridge! Jk it looks ok but im not sure... Im guessing its really fun if you play it but the pics are bad
hmmmm.... looks pretty sweet. I am confused however. What is the incentive to take the lowest bridge? It it is hard to use and u have easir bridges at your disposal why not just use them? I am talking from looking at the pictures however... I will download and tell you what i think.
I just noticed I put the wrong version on my File Share. I'll update it ASAP. I'm removing the download link for now.