So I've completed the basic mechanics of my first-person game - camera controls are smooth with adjustable sensitivity, movement is working with some extra "stickiness" built in when controller inputs are null, and jump is non-exploitable (you can't just push yourself into a vertical surface and jump up it). Next on the list: slight tweaks to the gravity mechanic, and then adding the ability to pick up dynamic objects. Should be fun.
Oh my god... in the process of working on object pickup, I just had the best (most insane?) idea ever... a rudimentary level editor within the level editor. EDITCEPTION Update: Got object pickup working! You can now grab objects with X and fling them around however you please (which is quite entertaining, I might add). Xun, if you wanna check out what I have so far, I just uploaded a WIP. It miiiiiight still be up in skill games recent uploads when you see this, but if not you can just friend me.
is anyone having a weird issue where the game freeze at the end of your created track? i'm able to complete the track once in order to be allowed to share it, but when i go back to set a leaderboard time on it, the xbox freezes at the finish line every time, and its happening to my friends too.
I haven't made any tracks so I can't say if it's a common thing, but yeh, I mentioned it to you. Don't know what the problem is, I thought it may have had something to do with the fact that you had three versions of the same track, so I downloaded them all and tried them, but they all froze right at the end. Might have something to do with the object count or the massive drop right at the end, I'm not sure, maybe some communication with Redlynx is the way to go.
yea thats what i thought so in the later version i tried to lessen the severity of the final drop by allowing some bounciness to happen on the roofs. still the same result. that meter in the top corner of the editor still says that my track is not very complex, so i dunno. i guess i'll have to make a shorter one next time. what was your thoughts on the track? my best on it was right around what i set for gold time, just under four minutes and only 10 faults =)
I think I managed to get to the end in about the same time, with 2 faults. Can't remember exactly. Was a cool track though, the only part I didn't like was that big jump about halfway through the track. Took me a bit to get the hang of it, but I figured out that using the Scorpion was better than the Phoenix as it went slightly faster and carried more weight, so was easier to bunny-hop over that gap.
baw, you owned me. yea i designed it while using the scorpion so thats why it works better for that. i'm working on another one right now, hopefully it doesn't also freeze when i'm done.
For those who are interested, I have a track that I made just this afternoon. It's not a technical beast or anything, but it'll give you a little bit of a challenge I suppose. It's called Industrial Zone, it's difficulty is Hard, and it's a Trials track if you wanted to search for it.
hey i just tried out your trial. it was challenging and fun, i couldn't get close to your score on my first couple trys, then i decided to stop. i've made a new track also, its called "test" because i want to make sure its not freezing for anyone before i put the final version up. it did not freeze at the end for me this time.
Yeh, I downloaded 'test', but like I told you, the middle part is excruciatingly hard to get past. I'll give it another go later. Thanks for downloading my track. It is a little difficult to beat it, but once you figure it out it all sorta falls into place. It was a ***** to finish the first few times without faulting, but I wasn't going to post a time to the leaderboards with a fault blemish on it. ;P I just made another one a few hours ago called "Cloud Rider". It's a bit easier than my other track, and I've experimented with some effects and physics and stuff. Hopefully they can only get better from here.
do you mean the middle part where you have to drop down through the cage? i always get that part on the first couple tries =P
Yeh that part. I get up to it, then can't get past it the first 30 times and give up. I've yet to get past that part. Clearly you're better at it than I am, or have a higher level of commitment.
I have not played this game in a week. I should later. It just doesnt draw me in much. I do love it, I love it long time, but I just dont have motive to play. Interesting.
it really isn't !! its just that the camera control is clunky and awkward, but luckily it has a bunch of snap-to controls to help that. if you just take a few minutes to patiently get used to it, you might be surprised. although, i've yet to go deeper into making physics and events and such things. Xunn, the trick on that part is to just lightly give the gas, you want to fall over that edge with your bike in a leaning back position so that you safely land below, and then roll back edit- finished that map and named it Trackmar 2, it is now on my share. it is basically the same just with a few tweaks. apparently theres no way to unshare a map?
Yeh, once you upload a map you can't modify it or take it down from the servers. So that's why you'll see a lot of people posting tracks named "Such and such v2" or things along those lines. Must have something to do with the leaderboards.
Trials Evolution's track editor taught in seven easy videos | Joystiq [br][/br]Edited by merge: got a new track up, check it out.