MLG Triad

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by CustomsTag, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. CustomsTag

    CustomsTag Ancient

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    So this map started out when me and my friends decided to make a gears of war gametype when we were bored, we got tired of boardwalk so i made gridlock. the short version of all of that is we played a game or two on gridlock and even though it was open they liked the idea of the map, so i said to myself "hey this would make a great halo reach map if i cleaned it up" thus Triad was born.
    Now lets get down to the map...
    It plays Team Slayer and 3 Flag CTF 6-8 players.

    Weapons and Equipment:
    Dmr: 4
    Needle Rifle: 2
    Sniper: 2
    Rockets: 1
    Camo: 1
    Grenades: 4
    Plasma Grenades: 4
    Evade: 1

    and for the screenshots.

    Red Base
    Red Sniper Tower
    Red Hut
    Blue Base
    Blue Sniper Tower
    Blue Hut
    Evade/Bottom Mid

    Thank you to all that have tested this with me, with special thanks to:
    and anyone else i forgot.​

    Fail on the Image code for the Topic sorry guys
    #1 CustomsTag, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
  2. First impression of this map was Gridlock. I think the layout is very cool with a twist to Gridlock. But the map looks a little too... plain. I think you need to add cover judging by the pictures. Other than that it looks pretty decent. I'll download it and check it out with more feedback.

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