This picture is, obviously, not a sig. You will see what i mean when you open the spoiler. Its friggin huge, and it feels like an explosion of color everywhere. Im trying my best to make more abstract and unique images, and its pretty fun compared to what most people do. Anywho, CnC! Spoiler
Wow, there is a lot going on... Maybe too much? Even when working on large abstract pieces, flow is very important. There isn't really any flow in this piece... Try rotating your C4Ds so that they all move in a general direction. Your colors are also clashing, and don't go together very well. Use gradient maps to bring the colors together so that the piece seems fluid, instead of being comprised of many images. Your text could also use a bit of improvement, as the font and colors don't match the rest of the piece very well. This piece is pretty good for a first attempt at large/abstract art, but with some improvements it would look even better.
Way too much going on. The colors hurt my eyes. There is no focal point. No flow. No lighitng. You have depth. I really don't like it to be honest. I would say take what ^^^ he said and scrap this and work on a new piece.
Wow thats confusing to look at... Regardless of the type, you need to have some flow and a focal, otherwise it is just hard to take in, and doesnt look as good...or as ^^^ those guys said....
974x534 @ 72 dpi. For future reference, this is rather small. If you were to print this, it would print on a piece of paper 2.7x1.4 inches large. (Or inches small, rather. Funny how that works.) Anyhoozle, I find that when doing designs that are larger than what you usually work with, it helps to ignore text and focus on composition and development of style. Shy away from using more than 1-2 C4Ds in a 'zign like this one( if you're going to use them at all), and try to do a set of a designs with the same style, so you can really get a polished and developed result by the time you're done. Often times, it's not exactly what you went into the set envisioning, but you always prefer it. (If you don't, you have done enough. Usually. You may just have a bad idea.) That layer that looks like it's set to dissolve looks like ****. JS'. I think you should try more like this, get out of your comfort zone, you'll only get better if you challenge yourself. Also, what's that supposed to mean?
Most people take a stock then add lighting and effects and stuff, and finish a tiny bit of text. I made three different pictures, one of them aligned vertically, and overlayed them. Thats what i mean by unique, abstract, and fun And strangly enough, this is my comfort zone lol. Normal, simple, (and usually good) sigs are the ones that are more difficult. But yeah, im taking the advice ive been getting here and applying it to something new. Some of the things pointed out (lack of flow, overwhelming effects...) are things that i expected from the very nature of fusing three different pictures. But i did not expect lighting to be mentioned in a picture with no actual light source, so i hadnt thought about that. Anywho, back to trying to get better at text.
Light and it's effects display our world. It's fingers feel over things and render (so to speak) what we see to forge colors and create depth. Lighting and it's sources are present in some form in almost every visual art. It is also present in designs, even some spectacular web sites have light sources. There are so many light sources in this picture that there is no establishment of depth or texture in many places because it's just so overpowering. C4Ds can make amazing 3D scenes with some dodge and burn.