
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rhys J Mitchell, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    its real cool i like all those fences walls and boxes all in one spot so you can see your enemy but its weird looking i dunno it just looks cool lol also the shape or the triangle is perfect its a cool map but at the back can you get into those spaces looks like there blocked off
  2. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    A couple of answers before I go t- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Too many. I'd hate to make a 2-story map but run out of objects half way. Though there are future plans for a map that has elevated sections.

    You can't really see in the pic but it's upside down; partly to mark the starting areas, partly as a spot for the Leader's Needlers, and partlyfor funsies.

    As you enjoy territories and SWAT, maybe you could d/l Conflict SWAT and let me know what you think.

    OK I didn't really understand that but thankyou.

    No I just have this paranoid theory that when playing Red & Blue, the Reds are at a disadvantage because they are more visible, hence, Red & Yellow.

    Argh! The map is inescapable - the roof was removed for the picture!

    Thankyou I do beleive that simple geometry is the best way to go. Just to point out I created Conflict!

    Get back to work you!

    I'm not sure which part you mean, but if you look at the weapons display you can see which points are inaccessable.


    I just realised I effed up the weapons display; I'll change it tomorrow.
  3. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    You should put in big bold letters actually on the screenshot that THIS MAP DOES HAVE A ROOF. Then people will know.
  4. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    The map name is very creative and drawing out a layout is a deffinet plus. The weapons look like good choices, but I think you need to spread them out some more especailly to the longest side of the triangle. If anything I think Land Grab might be best gametype to play on here.
  5. kingsharpshooter

    Senior Member

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    hay i think its a cool az map i like how u have done a pic with no roof
  6. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    ahh, another map, this seems familliar, althogh im too lazy to see if your the same guy as before, anyway this looks like a decent map, but nothing really amazes me.
  7. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    Conflict is a variation of Land Grab.

    And yes I am the same guy as before.

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