its real cool i like all those fences walls and boxes all in one spot so you can see your enemy but its weird looking i dunno it just looks cool lol also the shape or the triangle is perfect its a cool map but at the back can you get into those spaces looks like there blocked off
A couple of answers before I go t- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Too many. I'd hate to make a 2-story map but run out of objects half way. Though there are future plans for a map that has elevated sections. You can't really see in the pic but it's upside down; partly to mark the starting areas, partly as a spot for the Leader's Needlers, and partlyfor funsies. As you enjoy territories and SWAT, maybe you could d/l Conflict SWAT and let me know what you think. OK I didn't really understand that but thankyou. No I just have this paranoid theory that when playing Red & Blue, the Reds are at a disadvantage because they are more visible, hence, Red & Yellow. Argh! The map is inescapable - the roof was removed for the picture! Thankyou I do beleive that simple geometry is the best way to go. Just to point out I created Conflict! Get back to work you! I'm not sure which part you mean, but if you look at the weapons display you can see which points are inaccessable. ---------------------- I just realised I effed up the weapons display; I'll change it tomorrow.
You should put in big bold letters actually on the screenshot that THIS MAP DOES HAVE A ROOF. Then people will know.
The map name is very creative and drawing out a layout is a deffinet plus. The weapons look like good choices, but I think you need to spread them out some more especailly to the longest side of the triangle. If anything I think Land Grab might be best gametype to play on here.
ahh, another map, this seems familliar, althogh im too lazy to see if your the same guy as before, anyway this looks like a decent map, but nothing really amazes me.