Hey whats up guys, this is my first map ever made, which means that this is my first map ever posted. Now the name of this infection map is Tri-Base. I got this name because there is basically three bases. There is the base that the humans spawn in which I'm going to call the main base even though you are going to have to leave it sooner or later anyway. There is also Base A, Base B and a base that i'm going to call The Extra Base. The alpha zombie will spawn in one of the back rooms in Foundry. Now once you spawn in the main base there are good amount of weapons, but the thing is that these weapons do not have a lot of ammunition and don't respawn very much if ever. That will cause you to have to go to either Base A or Base B. There are two tunnels connected to the main room, one leading to Base A and the other of course leading to Base B. Both the bases have a pretty good amount of weapons just like the main base. But also just like the main base, the bases do not have a great amount of ammo which will probably cause you do move down into the basements of each base. 1 of the people will start out as zombies. The alpha zombie has 100% health so they're not that easy to kill that's why you have to work as a team to take them down. If you dont manage to take them down then you will become a zombie and you will have 50% health which is a pretty good amount of health also. The alpha zombie moves at 75% speed and the regular zombies will move at 200% speed both with regular gravity. Alright now on to the pictures. Here is the human spawn in the main base, make sure to close the door in the top right hand corner of the screen. Here is an overview of the whole map. Here is the door you're going to want to shut in the beginning of the game by picking up the custom powerup. This is The Extra Base. This is the basement of Base A. This is the basement of Base B. upstairs to Base B. This is a crouch tunnel in the Base B basement that leads to The Extra Base. Through the crouch tunnel and on to The Extra Base. Upstairs to Base A. The alpha zombie spawn. This is Base A. This is Base B. A trap at the top of the stairs to Base B. Map Download: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=60530894 Gametype: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Hope you like it and tell me things that I could change for the better, please constructive criticism only thank you. Oh, and sorry for any grammar errors I'm watching Monday night football right now, lol.
Maybe take off the roof so we can see what the bases look like. Also the basements do look like they are loaded with weapons. You might want to make the fence boxes either walls or double boxes because that is like a mega camping spot from what it looks like. 3/5, if you fix these things 4/5, and make it cleaner with geomerging and moar interloxing then maybe 5/5. Keep forging.
Yea sorry for not taking a picture with the roof off. And I was running out of walls even with the budget glitch. The weapons dont have that much ammo and dont spawn that often so you pretty much just have to hold off the zombies until some of the weapons spawn again. Thank you for your rating and being nice.
The map looks interesting, i like how theres three spots to hide in, choice is always a great aspect in zombie games. The post itself hurts my eyes. Do you think you can split in to paragraphs or something more organized and change the font colour. just a suggestion, thanks!
for your first map it is awesome although it could use some geomerging and more interlocking but it is increadable for your first map and much better than what i could do then i give it a 4.3/5
this is a very nice map for someone who just joined not even that long ago it seems but its got great hold out areas and weapon placement and i love it when people put doors on their maps 4/5
hi, this looks alot better than ur average fat kid or unblanced zombie game. i can imagine this plays well, but just form the pictures i can telll that some people are gonna look at this and say psha this is sloppy. i would strongly reccomend going in and interloxing, and geomerging where things looks ugly. great idea but thers way too many people on here who wont dl this just because of how it looks. BTW no offense, but how many people are gonna wanna play a map called tribase? the name makes the 1st impressions, think of a more badass name, so people say ooooh, what's this. P.S. don't take ur pics in forge , and no rating cuz i never played it yet, send my gt a request: a P3Rson
I Like this map because of the doors i think you have done a very good job 5/5 but you need to make it a bit in the favor of the zombie you don't want players never wanting to be zombie.
this map looks ok, and i love infection maps! i thing the layout is good, but i did notice that some of your walls arent too perfect, if your gona edit this map thats one think you can fix. 3.8/5