(UPDATED) Okay so this is my map Tres Proche(that's french for Very close). To start this we have weapons on map -Spawn time + Ammo Shot gun 120 seconds 0 clips Needler 45 seconds 2 clips Needler Rifle X2 30 seconds 2 clips D.M.R X2 30 seconds 2 clips Assault Rifle X2 30 seconds 2 clips Plasma Grenades X4 15 seconds Frag Grenades X4 15 seconds Plasma Pistol X2 30 seconds 2 clips (Plasma weapons don't have clips) Magnum 30 seconds 2 clips Power ups on map Health pack X2 15 seconds (is a health pack a power up?) Hazards Fusion CoilsX4 40 seconds That's really all there is.Recommended Players 4-6. Only supports 2 teams Red and Blue Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
You have a very cool middle design, but I feel that the bases are a little underpowered, which could be an issue for CTF and bomb games. Lack of cover by the bases. Lack of cover for most of the bridges on the outside too. I would just suggest you add a few spots of cover. Nice start to the map though!
It is hard to read your text at the beginning. I would suggest using a different color for the text. Black on Black makes it hard to read.
I was thinking the same thing while I uploading the map. I guess I just wanted to see what you guys thought first,I'll go fix it now. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Sorry I'm using the white color layout I'll fix.
OK, first of all, great map! I really like the choice of scenery, surrounding it with water then closing off the rest of the map gives it a nice claustrophobic feel as there's water trapping you from beneath and walls surrounding the map. You could actually take the theme futher by adding a cieling as I see you have quite a bit of budget left. Up to you of course... BTW the centre piece looks amazing. I don't know if you noticed though, but the shotgun platform on the floor above actually sticks through the cieling of the centre piece and can be seen from the bottom floor. A quick fix to this would be to replace the block short with 1 or 2 block flats. The layout of the map is great to! Honestly I think this map plays well with 4v4 not just 3v3 but again that's your call. There are a few flaws in the map though I'm afraid...Theyre not that major, just a few quick easy fixes to improve the map. Firstly, the initial spawns are set to "neutral" for both teams. I'm fairly sure respawn zones don't affect initial spawns so I strongly suggest changing these to appropriate teams to avoid chaos and confusion at the start of games. Secondly, the shotgun and overshield on the same spot is in my opinion, a bad idea...As shotgun is the only power weapon and overshield is the only powerup, the fact that they are together would mean whoever gets them would have a massive advantage for the next three minutes. I suggest moving or removing the overshield, and also increasing the respawn time of the shotgun from 40 seconds to 120 seconds. BTW on a map this small, having the shotguns spare clips to 0 was a good call. Thirdly, the effect balls are floating randomly by red base, I suggest moving them out of site to a remote location of forge world or using them for aesthetics somewhere in the map. Either way leaving them floating randomly not only looks unsightly but also lets people camp on top of them... Fourthly, the killzone on top of the upper centre platform doesn't cover the entire platform, it's important to have the zone slightly overhanging as players can also stand on it when they are actually virtually not touching it. I suggest increasing the radius from 5.4 to 5.8 as this will also cover the overhanging door frames. Fifthly, you said the map is set up for capture the flag, however there are no capture plates, these are essential for CTF to work, just place them in the same spot as the flag stands and remeber to change the game type labels. Sixthly? Anyway I know this is just bieng picky but the grenades on the lower central platform do not stand up, as in when the game starts they just fall over randomly which kind of kills the aesthetics. I know it's frustrating getting grenades to stand up but just use coordinates/rotation snaps, place one down and if it doesn't fall over start a new round, if it still doesn't fall over then it's fixed. Then just save the game and repeat for the others, when you're done the map will look much nicer. Finally (yay) I think you should change the respawn zones "shapes" from circular to square. That way they will cover the entire half of the map and this lets you add more respawn points at the tops and bottoms of the staircases leading to the upper central platform. And that's it. Obviously I think the map should be validated for more objective game modes and support more teams as an option but as the map is still in testing I won't touch in that too much. Overall the map is great and has a lot of potential. EDIT: I also noticed a little Z-fighting on the roofs of the bases EDIT PS: I've just realised my feedback is a little OTT compared to other peoples. EDIT PPS: I also noticed that the bases have a platform sticking out behind them as the wall goes through the bases. I know it's hard to spot but it's these kind of spots that let players just get one kill and go into hiding for the game. A soft kill zone should fix it, just make sure te kill zone doesn't go through into the base.
I feel like I've seen this map before... anyways this map reminds of the cage; I feel like there's not much place to move around, I like the general idea of it being enclosed just above the water. Also, being able to speak fluent French, très proche does not mean close together, it means very close. Google translate isn't always right
This is great I love maps that have a unique feel and environment. The lights water and the fact you enclosed the map does the job very well. The aesthetics are marvelous as well especially the enclosed natural areas to give some nice contrast to the greys and metals. Good job.