this map looks very interesting the slanted in building with the windows and the sword spawn are really cool and unique. The trenches are also a great idea and from the pics it looks like it will play great 5/5 and a definate dl great work
My v.2 is nearly complete for this map i remade most of blue base and im touching up on a few little things. I also added a CTF gametype to it in hopes of making it better than just playing slayer over and over again.
Ahhh.... the item limit. I hit it on the map I'm working on now and since have gotten a stacked canvas and restarted. Now, back to the map! It seems very good and I the trenches are spectacular! I can definitaly see how you hit the item limit. 4.25/10
i dont know if anyone has mentioned it yet but just load up any game type ,i.e. KOTH. they have default hills and starting points on sandbox floor....but u cant delete them you have to pick them up and drag them up into the skybubble...(<-----I THINK!) hope that helps you get a few more types in. HILL and flag look like they could be EPIC! WEAPONS - maybe need a little work, its tough cuz it is so open the snipe might be too powerful, but i would DEF keep the snipe (1 clip) and add either x2 BR's or x2 CARBINES...Same goes with the turret maybe too overpowering i dont i have played it yet, but i see how the snipe/splaser counter the turret.