Trench By: LIQIUDzSNAKE6 I made trench a couple of months ago and I hit the dreaded item limit. That means that this map can only support the slayer gametype. (I should have mentioned this earlier but this map does contain a few bumps and scratches here and there but i posted this just to see if people liked it and if enough do ill probably make a v.2. So far im undecided about it.) Weapons: 2x Battle Rifle 1x Sparten Laser 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Energy Sword 1x Needler 1x Machine Gun Turret 4x Plasma Grenades Pictures: Download here : Halo 3 File Details
Really Nice Looking Map. I Like The Sword Spawn Idea. Looks Good For Team Slayer. And The Trenches Are AMAZING!
The bridges with the gap that lead to the spawn are a great idea to make It a much harder weapon to reach, so hopefully there won't be too many people sword camping the bases. And as for the bases themselves, those slit walls tilted down at 45 degrees look epic! I might have to "Borrow" that idea xD (And give you credit for it ofcourse). Also your sniping tower is brilliantly designed, with the small corner pieces as ramps/cover and a slit wall so you can take out snipers from below! I also like the area with the central block and brigdes/ramps coming off of it to various other places, and how the elevation changes around the trench. It's a shame you ran out of objects, as while this is a small map, I really don't think that 2 BR's is enough for 4v4 (Allthough BR starts would be good). I think this should be featured, but without CTF/Assault it probably won't be =[. 4.99/5, but only because of there being no CTF. Edit: also seeing how this map is trench themed, I would have thought a Shotgun would be the preferred choice of short range power weapon. oh well =].
Very nice work! This is one of those maps you can just look at and say, wow that takes skill! haha, and all the weapon placement is great
Very interesting design. I was really expecting a crypt or ground floor map when I opened this so I am very impressed that you were able to create such an interesting map with a large amount of surface area in the skybubble. Some great lines of sight and important areas to hold, you seem to have planned it well. You have my download.
:O *faints* This looks pretty neat to say the least, I will d/l and the trenches look very well made, Its a shame theres no CTF or assault as it could work well, but in my experience, people only really play slayer or infection in custom games, which leaves me with this kick ass map which has one of those game types, So a deff in the next custom I'm in also =) very good job especially seen as you had to build the floor space as well.
The base design took my breath away. The whole map looks epic! I love the aesthetics on the roofs of the bases and the trench design is really awesome. The sword spawn area is a great summary pic because it simply looks great. Subscribed and a download later when I get back home. Can't wait to tear this up with some doubles.
I love the sniper tower, I love the trenches, and I absolutely love the base. Well done! The sword placement is very unique. I'd have to say this is the best map I've seen all day. The only thing I might add is a bit of railing on those blocks that, if you fall off of, you die. However, I do not know if you are at the object limit, or are using and unlimited budgeted canvas. I'm looking forward to the v2.
Great astheticaly pleasing map, maybe for the next time you edit you should put some action shots so everybody knows that you have tested it or maybe even a video.
I have a question. Did you delete the OLN objects that default spawn at start? If not, it would totally be worth rebuilding because you would easily be able to make it support everything. And you would have a vunch of extra peices you could use. I too might steal your bases ideas...
To answer your question sadly i did delete the original objects i made this before i knew to keep them
I love all youre map ! The base have each propriaties the sword spawn are cool because she flothing . the sniper tower are beautiful and dont stop youre beautiful work !
I just had a quick run through this map and I found a couple of things that needed to be improved. Firstly, The entirely of blue base needs to be interlocked or at least a little more carefully placed... grenades can fall between almost every block. Secondly, there seemed to only be one main route into red base. This creates a serious chokepoint and will encourage camping.
Blue base would be my main focus point on a v.2 it was rushed. Red base isnt such a great camping place due to the fact that ppl can just jump on top of the base or go through the bottom. also it isnt as good for camping than you would think.
I really hope to see a rework of this, I love the ideas you have incorporated, but maybe on the trench level use the wooden bridge peices, they don't curl as badly, so there will be less bumps, and they're a bit larger, you could make the map a bit larger that way. Great map, you should definetely do a V2.
im working on a v.2 at this very moment blue base is going under reconstruction and with whatever things i have left ill try to patch the rest of the map, and if im lucky i might be able to add a ctf gametype
I recommend keeping the slanted window slats on blue base. That alone made me download the map. I dont say it often, but I loved the map. I do recommend maybe a fusion coil at blue snipe though. Keep up the good work.
I just had a short 1v1 on this and thoroughly enjoyed the map, the layout is great and quite unique. The trenches work great and the two bases are superb, especially blue. Not so sure about the laser but the rest of the weapon selection is spot on, the sword spawn is ingenious. However, couple of little issues that gnawed at me. The wall corners sticking out of the middle stucture are kind of obstructing and whilst I agree there should be some cover up top, I'm not sure thats the best solution. Also, there are a couple of bumps and uneven surfaces which could be fixed quite easily. I remember a nade bouncing back at me off the ramp coming out of the left of the blue base, just move it down an inch and it'll be right as rain.Overall,a great map and with a few touch-ups it could be a possible MM candidate.
I just finished the blue base in my v.2 it is looking alot better and smoother. Also i will have enough items for another gametype so please send some suggestions my way.