Map Title: TRENCH 2v2 or 1v1 competitive arena Download Map Description: this is a very smooth map. all peices are interlocking and measured to perfection. designed for 1v1 but 2v2 is just as fun. there are 2 BR spawns, 1 sniper, 1 mauler, 1 carbine, 4 plasma grenades and 4 grenades. also there is a bubble shield in the middle. i designed this map so you really cant camp. you are in the action right away and it is really fun please tell me what you think it is my first map so go easy on me. but i think it is great and i put many hours of work into this.
looks like a lot of fun for 2v2. 1v1 isn't my thing, but I can see where people who like it would enjoy playing this map. Very smooth and looks like you put good effort into it.
I really like 1v1 maps. There are noy enough of them.i like this map alot. Please make more of these.
Hey I like the map. Can someone please help me with geomerging? I can put boxes in the ground but not walls. If someone could just tell me how to put walls on the ground that would be great thanks
You wouldn't happen to be refering to my map, overflow would you? Anyways, great curved walls looks 100% clean and has some interesting places.
looks really good. Construction, layout interlocking I love almost everything about this. I say almost because the name is incredibly unoriginal.
i would like to get some feedback from any one who has played this. also i just finished version 2 and it will be released soon. it will support all gametypes and has bases so more people can play on it
it looks cool, except theres a lot of maps now with trench in the name, so some people might just take it as common place, but otherwise it looks really cool and aesthetic, liking your forging skills