Well hello there forge-hub! Haven't been on in a while! Anyway, I bet a lot of you know about trenchwars 2. (if not, check my signature) I'm here to say It's been delayed until further notice. Why? MW2. Thanks and Toodaloo!
I am sorry but was their a reason to make a thread? You could have just edited your other post or your signature. Because this is not really important. You could have just did what I said early.
True... but if I don't post nobody is going to know what's in my signature. Anyway, I wanted to stop the "hey man wen iz tranchwars2 cummin out." messages over XBL. Sure, it may be pointless to you, but I have my reasons.
Ummm.. Dont look at me like that. But dude you should of told me to lay off. I will help if you need it. Modern Warfare is an awesome game. But I just dont like playin it that much ..... Okay I lied there but honestly everyone is counting on this squel. I asked for it 5 months ago. Me in Modern Warfare 2 "OMG!11!1 NOT THE CIGAR NOOOOOOOO..... X|"
Modern Warfare 2, delaying your Forge maps. What can you do? It's a ****ing awesome game. I hope Trench Wars 2 actually will be made, though.
lol, i could do it for you. im out of school and MW2 is coming by mail... so... give me the project please