Do you remember playing Tremors on Coagulation? well even if you have never played before here is the game type and map. Let me remind you of the rules, because this game is a lot of fun, but has strict rules and relies all on people not cheating! so here is how it goes, you play team slayer and have only 2 teams, one team has only 2 people and the other team has everyone else, now the team with 2 people will get into the 2 ghosts in front of their base and the other team should blow up their ghosts right away(don't stand 2 close). now the team without ghosts is going to try to capture the flag while the team of 2 AKA the tremors, will be on defense. now this part is the most IMPORTANT part, the tremors have to stay in the ghosts at all times and can not go on any platforms or in the caves. Also the team not in ghosts AKA the humans are not allowed to be in ghosts, hijack ghosts or shoot at the ghosts! if by chance you hijack a ghost (which can happen if your trying to pick up the flag and accidently hijack the ghost trying to kill you) you must get out immediately without driving the ghost at all and carry on. Now when the round ends you will switch sides but it will be the same as the last round just different sides! if you have any questions please ask me and i will explain more. Map= : Halo 3 File Details Game Type= : Halo 3 File Details
[media][/media]I see your having some picture posting problems. Please watch the very helpful video above. I hope you get your map up and running soon. Please PM when you have the pics fixed so I can do a popper review. As for your maps description its sounds creative. It seems like this should probably be a minigame map with its list of honor rules and the need for unbalanced teams. It seems like you put some creative thought into this map and it sounds like something fun to do while trying to pool a party together. Also I would try and get a few more pictures of the individual structures. Get a pic up first so your map doesnt get locked then maybe get a few more so people can get a better feel for what your map is about. Another good thing to post would be a list of weapons humans get to combat the ghosts and it doesnt look like your over budget so I was wondering why not put shield doors over the tunnel entrances to keep people out. I put the code for your pic in the spoiler below if you would like to just copy and paste it quickly. Spoiler
Sounds good but unfortunately this post is not up to forgehub standers. You must have at least 1 imbedded picture. Check out the thread Here for help Edit.. Shoot I thought I would be first post