hey next time a party is started up with this, can someone send a invite to HEATSEEKERBUNGE? id really really really like to play this
What are u talking about, the tremors almost always won when we played... You must have just had someone who sucks at driving the chopper.
lol same here. I just managed to get into a big enough custom game tonight and it totally owned. Everyone was laughing like crazy. Lots of fun. Definate Download! Also the tremors do win pretty easily. Especially after you lose like 2 of the blues and the flag is dropped in a flat section of the map.
Frankie once said you can tell if a map is balanced if half the people are complaining something is too good and the other half is complaining it is too weak. Seems like this is a balanced map then.
Do you really have to advertise in every thread? Well it's really not advertising it because per every GT on XBL there is 7 Labyrinth's. Lol.
i love tremors, one of the best movie series ive ever watched, looks like a great varient, got it cued up for download
I like this map b/c it removes the honor rule system and it requires teamwork and it has a good enviroment.
#1: Unfortunately this does happen but isn't really that common, if people are doing it a lot then you can always jsut boot them. #2 is very unlikely. If you're chopper gets flipped, then anyone that tries to kill you can easily be killed by the tremor because they have swords.
I don't really get how the humans would ever win, unless the Tremors are really dumb. Once the Tremor catches up to the flag, how can the humans get away? Anybody have human strategies?
I've made it... Yavi got off his chopper and chased me inside the base... I captured the flag... then as the game ended he assassinated me... but we won nonetheless and my strategies? now that would be telling...