Legendary DLC Tremor Gorge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by ShaddoBlade, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Tremor Gorge
    Tremors & Mice
    (If you insist on using another gametype, at least set the Initial Zombie Count to 2.)

    Tremor Gorge is my latest Tremor & Mouse map, and this time, I decided to try my hand at Avalanche. With one-way tunnels, ramps, banks, jumps, hills, spinning grav lifts, timed events, and so much more, the map turned out better than I could have imagined. Enjoy.

    An overview of the center, showing some of the forged structures and the human spawn.

    The right side.

    The left side.

    Ohhh, I almost forgot one tiny little feature... the cliff is blocked off. No more camping the edge, silly Mongoosers!

    Something I have never seen in a Tremor map is timed events. After 3 minutes (halfway through a round), the map changes to make things a little more difficult for the remaining humans. (mouseover to see changes)



    There are also four spike grenades hidden around the map if you are the easter egg type. (You don't have to delete anything to see them.)

    Special thanks to Tyrant Hacker, whose maps inspired me to make another Tremor & Mouse map, and whose ideas were used in the making of Tremor Gorge.

    Well, now that you've seen the map, all that's left to do is download. You ARE going to download it, right?? No window shopping here, son. If you do, I'll find you. Yeah, that's right. Watch your back, punk.

    Tremor Gorge
    Tremors & Mice
    (If you insist on using another gametype, at least set the Initial Zombie Count to 2.)​
    #1 ShaddoBlade, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2010

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
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    OMG, a map by you that ISN'T a race track! Lol, jk.

    What is this, a mongoose playground? cuz it looks fun anyway. If you really wanted to, you could just make little (emphasis on little) bases then have like, a CTF-Assault mongoose playground.

    Oh yeah, First post.
  3. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Did you even read the title? Tremors, tremors. Tre-mors.

    I thought this was really fun when I played it, even more so with lots and lots of people. Flippin bastard ass ramp betrayed me though, killed me a good number of times by spawning on me.
  4. Capton Furgler

    Capton Furgler Ancient
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    I had some really fun and enjoyable games on this. I can also relate to being killed by spawning boxes but it was more of a funny moment then being mad. The way the tunnels work in the middle are pretty good. I would always take them just to escape...but sometimes got bombed anyways...lol.
  5. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    jeezzz there are some sick merging on the map i love the huge ramp on the left side i have not had much exp in cat and mouse but i would like to have a game one day
  6. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    About time this was released. :p

    Anyways, the map looks great. My favorite Tremor map of all time. But wait... did you remove the spinning grav-lift? If so, I will cut you. That was my favorite part!
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Great job as always man. This is my favorite Tremor map to date. The fact that you spent a few extra days testing the map and making sure all cheats were fixed, just goes to show why your maps are always high quality. The fact that you blocked off the cliff was a good addition as well. This prevents cheap deaths. I like the grav lift spin thing too. The tunnels with the man cannons was a unique idea. Fun with a large party. Nice map 5/5
  8. Ezra Zaire1

    Ezra Zaire1 Ancient
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    I downloaded and tried this map out and it was a hit! Great map btw. Forging is great, gameplay is awesome, heck out of the 10 rounds we played only once did a person survive. Awesome job man.
  9. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I beleive the changing screenshots are .gif, I may be wrong though. On topic: I really like how the cliff is blocked, that was the most annoying part of any other tremors map on avalanche i can think of, Ill have to give this a try but i'm sure it wont dissapoint.
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    As Youtuber said, the map is made for a Tremor & Mouse variant, in which the infected drive choppers and try to splatter the humans who drive Mongooses. It's quite fun as long as people follow the honor rules (no shooting/hijacking).

    The late spawning objects can lead to your imminent destruction if you're not paying attention, but they can also be your saving grace. Depends on if you choose to use them in that way.

    As Dream said, I did a lot of testing with this, more than any other map I have released. And, no, the spinning grav lift is still there. You just can't see it in the pics.

    Glad you like it. It is very difficult to survive the whole round if the chopper and mongoose drivers have the same skill in the game.

    I VM'd him about the screenshots, as he should have done to me in the first place. I'm glad you like the wall. One of the things I hated when playing Tremor & Mouse was the people that camped on the edge, and the stupid chopper drivers that would just boost straight into them and fly off, leaving the other chopper to fend for himself. I thought that was very cheap and wanted to do something about it. The many games I have played seem to go a lot smoother than other Tremor & Mouse maps because of this. Everything is about driver skill and outsmarting your opponent. I'm very happy with how it turned out, and hope you guys continue to enjoy it as I will.
  11. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    May I say this probably sounds odd since this thread is reasonably old but I love it merging is superb and with the timed events on tremor and mouse you aren't the first to do I did it with on of my first maps with a giant man cannon in the middle of foundry with ramps that don't spawn until about 180 seconds but I think you pulled it of better than I did and you only used a wall to block the pathway.

    Overall map= awesome

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