
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by n3rdness, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    Treeline Deux
    Mother Nature will stab you in the back . . . again

    Treeline Deux is a complete overhaul of it's original map Treeline and is an ever-evolving symetrical MLG competitive map. I decide to just give it a new name because I've probably spent more time on it than the original and it can be considered a new map entirely. Also, considering the fact that close to ONE person downloaded the original, I don't really care.

    The following is the original thread and when I finally get off my ass to do so, I will update the screenshots and remove the original text, so bear with me please.

    I now present my first custom map from Reach's redesigned Forge. Treeline is an almost perfectly symmetrical competitive map compatible with all gametypes, excluding Invasion and Neutral Flag. This map is relatively small, built for fast, hectic gameplay, so anything above eight players at a time probably isn't a good idea. The map is centered around a single Pine, which not only adds a cool ambience, but also scatters sight lines between the two bases. There are two bases each with a small walkway leading to a rocket launcher spawn and a smalll sniping area with limitied cover. The sniper rifles themselves spawn at the top of each base. In front of each spawn house lies a trench-like dip in the level where teams can attempt to advance to the opposing team's base. Each base is also equipped with shield doors to, in the event of a game of SWAT, prevent initial spawn kills from the opposing team's spawn house, directly across from the trenches.







    This map is still in the testing stage, so please download, and if you find any errors in the gametype and/or weapon setup, or if you just have any suggestions on how I could improve this map, please tell me.

    If you're reading this now, the download link does not work, but will tomorrow when I fix this. Until then, may I ask the wonderful moderators to please bear with me.
    #1 n3rdness, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2011
  2. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    While I'm almost positive nobody is going to read this, I've just finished an overhaul of this map with new areas, even more spawn unkinking, and alot more playtesting than the original. I expect to upload this newwer version in a whole new thread in the hopes that maybe I'll get a bit more recognition than zilch replies and finally figure out how the hell I'm supossed to upload a preview pic.

  3. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    yeah, seems like people in the competitive maps are pretty bad about responding.

    its really impressive that this supports all gametypes. i usually prefer larger maps, but this looks cool. does it just play standard invasion? and how well does that work with the size constraints?
  4. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    I should probably elaborate:

    The original map isn't even in my fileshare anymore and has since been replaced by the succesor so creativley dubbed Treeline Deux, so if you want to get it, go ahead, but know that I am still tweaking/testing and it is definitley not the final version. I'll probably just do a complete overhaul of this thread rather than post a new one since the later will probably count as double posting. I'll set up an in-progress thread tomorrow when I get some charged batteries in my controller and have the ability to get some updated screenies.
    As well, this map does not support Invasion or Race.

    On a sidenote, I'm also in the process of constucting a new Sym. Slayer map, so bear with me on the final version of Treeline Deux.

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