Travesty Created by GalacticCanibl5 Supported Gametypes: all slayer game types Map Description This is a symmetrical shaped map, divided into four small mini bases, it is set up for team based game types, mostly just slayer though, actually only slayer. anyways, if they're looking for a map with a crap load on interlocking, so much so that it makes you say "Oh-Em-Gee this map has a crap load of interlocking, i'm totally serial.", then your of luck, because the only interlocking i did on this map was editing to make things look clean, but at the same time i don't think it needs it since it's exactly the way it's suppose to be. Weapons List: 1-Rocket Launcher 2-Snipers (no extra clips) 2-Brute Shots 2-Needlers 2-Maulers 4-BR's 4-SMG's 4-Spikers 4-Plasma Rifles Equipment List: 1-Active Camo (doesn't spawn at beginning.) 1-Bubble Shield 1-Power Drain 1-Radar Jammer 1-Regenerator 8-Frag Grenades 8-Plasma Grenades ___________________________________________ Top Center platform Dividing corridor, rockets in the middle Looking for people isn't as difficult as this picture implies. Battle on the bridges. A corner of the map Same corner but on the opposite side. Needlin it up. _________________________________________________ Download link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing _________________________________________________
This map looks like an excellent SWAT map. Looks nice. Would say you need to interlock but looks nice enough that it is not needed. It looks verrrry nice for not being interlocked. (or am I wrong and is it interlocked looks nice anyways...)
Dont like the idea of the rockets being so close to the camo. I would rather make the camo not spawn at the start. This is so that who ever gets camo in the beginning basically has rocks too, which equals pwnage for the rest of the guys.
I remember beofre forgehub all my maps looked almost exactly like this... I remember the good ole days of simple square layouts with a hole in the middle... ahhh....
Looks good but lacks something unique- something to completely set it apart from all the other maps and catch my eye.
Very well made and looks really good even the outside and the corners are nice! great job! also i would like to see more of the inside but its ok 4/5 =P
It seems solid and fun to play. I'll DL and test when I get some people together. As mentioned by another person, though, there's not really anything majorly unique or eye-catching.
looks nice. well made big and nice layout... but i gotta say if you flipped the bridges and boxs it would look nicer.
this looks very good for not being an interlocked map. This is an example of a good map made without interlocking. Usually everyone thinks that you must interlock or else it won't be good, blah blah, etc. etc. Edit : Here is my review - I tested this 1v1 The rockets are too strong IMO, maybe u should replace it with a spartan laser. Or you could make the rockets have a longer spawn time. Also there shouldn't be 2 shotguns because it gives it a ton of ammo if you collect both shotguns. I also think there were too many things of equipment, but that didn't change the game too much. It was a pretty good structure, and I saw that you interlocked a few things (but not very many) so that things didn't look sloppy, that's a plus. It has potential.