UPDATE: I uploaded a variant of this map to my file share called Trapped Infection. It is Infection enabled for hopefully up to 4 players (I only tested it with 2). I edited it on someone else's 360 and it forced me to save it as another map variant. Just click download, and then click on my gamertag to see the rest of my file share. Or, this is the link straight to it: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=19045281&player=Punknhead It's the same map, just Infection enabled. Let me know if it works okay. This is a decently large maze (similar to a hedge maze...only for spartans). It's pretty straightforward. Just find your way through the maze to escape. Any feedback is appreciated. Enjoy! SCREENSHOTS Get to the exit. Be free. EDITED: Be free IF you can escape the zombies in the Trapped Infection version- found by clicking on my name on bungie.net and viewing the rest of my file share.
As I say with all maze like maps, you should make it capable on playing infection. It really gives people that added incentive to finish the puzzle when they have a hungry zombie chasing them I'm a bit curious why you seem to have the one way shield doors in random places... Other than that there's not much for me to say. It looks pretty clean and complex enough so good job! But yeah, definitely make it infection capable.
Infection Compatible When I get home, I'll try to make it infection compatible. That's a great idea. I just had the shield doors everywhere because I thought they may help if you get really turned around. It gives you a landmark to remember, but I may have been off base with that. Do you think I should remove them?