[FONT="]trapped on a falcon’s back[/FONT] ‘Trapped on a falcon’s back’ is a unique gametype focusing on avoiding falcons that are trying to push you into an instant-killzone. The way this works is by having a vertical tunnel with two-way vehicle-only teleporters at the top and bottom. The humans will start in a small room to the side of the tunnel, with a one-way shield door into the tunnel. The room is also a 10-second killzone, so the humans are forced onto the field, or they will die. The zombie will start in a separate room with a sender vehicle-only teleporter on the ceiling. The zombie will climb into a falcon (there are 4, and they spawn after 10 seconds, and respawn every 10 seconds after), and fly into the teleporter. At this point, all the humans are in the tunnel (if they aren’t, then they’re in a prison where the zombie can infect them easily), and the zombie is ready to kill them by pushing them into the killzones, which are just behind vehicle-only teleporters. The human will die and be infected, and the zombie will be teleported to the bottom of the tunnel. The humans have very low gravity (75%) and move slowly (50-75%), so when they’re being pushed upwards by the falcon, it is difficult to escape. ^an image with a side-on view of the tunnel. The idea is there, and the map will be very simple to create, but the gametype will take some testing, and the concept may not work- it may be very easy to get off the falcon's back.
You ought to have the humans teleport back to their spawn if they hit the bottom. Beyond that I don't if it will work well.
I like the idea, but approximately how big is the tunnel? The Falcons might go too fast to make it fun if the tunnel is too short; so you should definitely toy around with it on Tuesday. Hopefully the falcons go fast enough to inflict damage to the humans, so they get the kill when the humans go through the death barrier. If not; the humans will just respawn instead, because the zombies didn't kill them. The game would think that the humans just fell to their death. If you can't get it to work, just make it one life. And you should make the teleporters 2ways. That way, the falcons won't beable to go through the reciever into the death barrier. Edit: You could probably just place a safe zone in the tunnel, and make it instant death on exit for the humans, so you won't have to use death barriers.
Jetpacks are unlimited, and it is the human's fault if they fall to the bottom, or fly too high. The point is to keep yourself at the right height, while avoiding incoming falcons. I'll test lots, and make sure the tunnel is a decent height/width. Another idea I could use would be to give the humans plasma pistols- they can disable the falcon, but at the risk of being splattered.
That's a good Idea, if you have two-ways, the disabled falcon could also become a falling obstacle of sorts if it was too low, and if the map isn't too large. Just something else to think about.
Don't you think your drawings are vague (to say the least). None the less, this map is fairly unique and interesting to say the least, don't forget to set the humans to no vehicle use and probably set them to invulnerable if you want them to be push to their death instead of being crushed by the falcon(s). Some suggestions: You could also set them to 0% damage and have plasma pistols, but with limited ammo so they don't spam the the falcons, I think that this would make it more balenced for multiple foalcons in play. Great concept! I'm looking forward to the final product!