Halo 3 is over and reach is here, and so I had to step up a notch and i think i steped up 2 notches lol but just to make sure id like to see what people think of this map be4 i post it. there are 2 versions of this map. one that incorportates the enitre map and that plays big team slayer, capture the flag, assault and invasion slayer. the other varient only uses the center of the map and is meant for all slayer varients and headhunter. so here are th screen shots. The main overview of the full map The main overview of the center of the map and also the area for the smaller map varient Another overview of the center Covenants satellite UNSC satellite and com center Signal reciver nodes Overview of the awesome center spiral staircase Shortcut through the spiral staircase wellthats the pics i hae so let me know what you think thanks!