Video brought to you by game over studios Halo 3 forges Episode:16 Transfusion AB+ View Video Here Transfusion Type AB Positive DOWNLOAD HERE Behind the Scenes: Public Servent Producer/ Designer/ Director Blazen Nite Technical lead/ Design support/ Gameplay Design Support/ Writer/ Hype man/ Advertising lead/ Transfusion type O lighting designer/ Test Support/ Aesthetic Support Death Toll77 Gameplay designer/ Gametype designer/ PR/ Community lead/ Integrity lead/ Test lead/ Advertising support/ Technical support/ Aesthetic support Dead Upon Arrival Design support/ Test support/ moral support Reigning Chaos and Sovereign Valor Technical support/ Test support/ moral support Additional support The Persister, PJfan83 aka Giventofly93, Clownsamuck, FBI MOSTWANTED1, Unholy Talon PSI Special thanks to: Bungie,, forgehub map breakers, Creep1ng De4th, every one who helped with testing, and everyone who posted a positive reply on the original map! Welcome to Transfusion AB+ For those of you who don’t know, Transfusion was massive project that took hundreds of hours to complete. Transfusion AB+ is a completely revamped version of Transfusion bringing in new gameplay, enhanced structures, an improved weapon set, a new spawn system and even more aesthetics. Through the collaboration of the great forgers and playtesters mentioned above, Transfusion AB+ has come to fruition as a highly balanced, playable, and fun map. Differences from the first Transfusion: -The map was taken all the way to budget to incorporate a bright version with juicy and pen and ink coming soon -The bases have an added back escape to prevent being pinned into your own base -The drill platform has been completely rebuilt to allow players to jump onto the platform from the catwalks without dying -The map has been fortified to make escaping impossible -Many aesthetic changes and added cover -Completely reworked spawn system -Reworked weapon set and placement -Additional gametypes have been added Overview Transfusion is a medium sized map built in the sky of Blackout. It is symmetrical and features symmetrical gametypes such as multiflag. The map has 4 main levels of gameplay including the drill platform. It is moderately narrow, getting wider towards the middle of the map. There are mirrored symmetrical bases located at either end which provide protection. Through intuitive design, the map has a decent amount of play area and strategy becomes a must. Recommended Players: 2-6 Supported Gametypes:Mutliflag, King of the Hill, Slayer, Team Slayer, Free for all Oddball Gameplay Synopsis: The gameplay on this map revolves around proper use of the protective bases, using the lines of sight in the middle, and of course sneaking around in the basement. In the bases you’ll find enough equipment such as a trip mine to protect yourself and control your position. You can exit the bases in a number of strategic ways. You might want to try creative ways of exiting your base to confuse your opponents whether that means getting up top, going down to the basement from your base or just going straight up the middle on the offensive. Up top, past the bases, you’ll find that the map becomes more open. Don’t worry though because, smart people will figure out that barriers and ramps provide more protection than one would think. Another aspect of the map is the bubble shield in the middle. If you happen to be fortunate and grab the shield, you may consider using it to protect yourself while in the middle because of all the fire or may choose save it for later. Also, if you’re brave enough, you can try to grab the fuel rod cannon which is located at the highest point in the middle of the map. Down in the basement is where a lot of the action happens. To get down to the basement, all you have to do is get out of your base, walk down the bridge and go down the stairs. The main entrances to the basement are protected with shield doors which can be used effectively by a good player. A sword is the sole power weapon in the basement but can be countered with the maulers on the catwalks or by good grendade placement. The basement is a totally enclosed area so grenades become extra powerful down there. While there are two obvious entrances to the basement, there are also alternative routes for added strategy. There are four drop holes that are located behind the bridges leading up to the fuel rod cannon. You can chuck grenades down these holes or even drop down yourself through these holes for a surprise entrance. Connected to the basement are catwalks that can be accessed from the bases or from the basement. The catwalks serve as a breather from the action in the basement but are also the mediator to the drill platform. To get to the drill platform, you must jump or fall to it from the catwalks. On the drill platform, you will see teleporters, the ones on top of the platform lead to either base. There are also teleporters that make up the drill. If you fall off the platform and into these, they lead back up top to the middle where the bubble shield spawns. Weapons This map features only Covenant weapons. You’ll find that the variety of weapons ranging from the plasma pistol to the plasma cannon will force you to come up with new strategies on the fly and add to the excitement. Weapon set: beam rifle x 1 carbines x 6 fuel rod cannon x 1 maulers x 2 needlers x 2 plasma turrets x 2 plasmas grenades x 16 plasma pistols x 2 plasma rifles x 2 sword x 1 Equipment: Trip Mine x 2 Bubble Shield x 1 Pictures: Top View, showing the layout Shot from underneath with new drill in place. An overview of one of the bases A view of top middle Go down the level and you'll find the basement Drill Platform: Note the awesome diamond bump mapping the doors form. Gameplay Pictures: Controlling the middle The Bubble Shield proves its worth Make sure to protect your base "Cortona is that you?! Can you hear me?" The very bottom level which is the drill platform is a dangerous place to stay on for too long The Template I created this template in June of 08. It eventually turned into Transfusion. Anyone can use the template to make any map they desire. Just make sure to give credit where credit is due. Download Template Recommendation about brightness: The optimal screen settings for this map are high or higher Coming soon....Transfusion Type O (there is no glare in the real level) Thanks for reading. If you missed it, here's the DL link DOWNLOAD HERE
Yes!! It is released!!! This map is simply amazing, the amount of time put into it reflects in gameplay and aesthetics! It was a pleasure working with you ;0
Helping public on this map was quite an experience all the building and rebuilding and testing was exhausting but the end result was soooo satisfying. good job public, you deserve any and all complements.
nice job. I can really see the work you put into this. Ive never tried a floating map and i probally would get to mad with it to try. U must have really worked hard on this map and i respect that 4/5
To quote a very good friend of mine, Feature NAO! This map is simply amazing, and the slight problems with it have been fixed. The plasma cannons are now somewhere useful, and a bunch of added aesthetics make this map just that much cooler. I've played on the last version, and since this is an improvement, I'm definately downloading this. Wouldn't be surprised to see this map go far. 5/5 Because it's so damn gorgeous, and it plays well too.
I loved the first transfusion, this one looks like it puts the icing on the cake, love how you got the structures up high above blackout, and love the layout you have going their, definitely a good team based map.
this lloks like the best b;aclout based map scine interrobang, the aesthetics are outstanding and there seemss to be multiple levels and ways around the map, 5/5
this is the best non-foundry map i have ever seen...EVAR. i played the first transfusion, and it was amazing so i cant wait for this one. if this is even a smidgen better than the original it deserves to be featured. too bad you didn't release it a few weeks earlier or it could have gone into bungie favorites. oh, well.
This is a pretty decent map. Although I like the effects of Transfusion 0- better. The fact that the shield doors are purple totally makes the map look epic. But since we are on this map, you can get to the original Blackout by using the radar jammer to double jump to the top of the double box that floats out of the map. Not a big deal, just letting you know. The weapons work well, and the fact that you made them all colorful to perfectly compliment the aesthetic features of the map is pretty genius. This is definitely the best map made on Blackout that I have ever seen. Great work. 9/10
hey man, thanks for including me and i see you put the turrets up there, great move on your part. fantastic gameplay too< just kinda wish you found a way to set it up for all gametypes, but otherwise an epic map alltogether. as to the radar jammer thing said above, im not even sure that gets you to the box and even so, if you did get there theres nothing there. 10/5 = feature nao!
Really have you actually accomplished this escape or are you just assuming? Because this was tested against and neither I or my staff, that tryed this technique could get both the height and distance to make it out. If you have I would loveeee to see the vid or even show me in person. As for the rest of your reply thnx for the kind words, Im glad all of the work we put into this map shows.
wait. isn't this the same map as before with a basement? anyways really nice. i played the earlier one and it was a lot of fun
Sorry Choas we worked in as many game types as possible. We kept hitting the item limit, and well that is an obsticle you cant go around. This is the reason why both versions type AB positive and O negative were not released at the same time. We are holding O- back to see if we can come up with something to add in the rest of the game types. I still feel there will have to be sacrifices made regardless.
Wow. So, just to let people know. When i comment on maps, I play them. I do not assume things from pictures. I also know that there is no point in getting down there (although there is a regen down there and some snipers for some reason), but I figured since Public obviously tried to prevent players from getting there by placing the floating box where it is, I thought I would let him know. That is all I ever do regarding map breaking. Just trying to help. Idk why your people didn't find the break, but I can show you if you really don't trust me. GT= R00STERillusion (zeroes in r00ster). I will be online for the majority of the night and morning.
This map is simply jaw-dropping. The first one rocks, but this one rocks even more. It is really good that you added more paths for better gameplay The Type O looks really sexy. At least you considered the darkness of Blackout and made a filter. Good job!
THNX for showing me that little hitch, it just goes to show my work is never done. Imagine what Bungie must have gone through when the super jumps were discovered in Halo 2, talk about a nightmare. Any way nice find and thanks again for showing me I appreciate it. The problem has been resolved, there unfortunatly is no longer a jammer on the map. I am still shocked we missed trying the jump from a spot that in hign sight seams so obvious now. There is egg on our faces. YOU GOT US!
OMG OMG IM IN 1 OF THE PICTURES WOOHOO GO ME!!! (lulage) i had a lot of fun trying the map out and i had fun when me and public servant messed it all up by flying around tapping (A). FEATURE THIS MAP FORGE HUB
I dont like plasma cannons but, Sweet Blackout Map.I love the first one and this is even better. I'll download.
wow i don't even know were to start first off this pits interrobang, collision, and the original transfusion to shame, i love the teleporter drill thing but do they still work as teleport's to the top? i like how you've gotten ridden of some of the power weapons, that was the major problem with the original things to change wow shortist section ive ever done, ummmmmmm let me think this map is breakable its just with a fusion coil radar jammer jump (and yes its as hard as it sounds) and since your probably doing a ctf game your just messing with your team because you can't even snipe from down there 5/5 this map is epic win sauce a must download for anyone that enjoys ctf