TRAINING Training is a map where people can work on skills such as BRing, Sniping, Grenading, Lasering, and Driving. PICTURES VIDEO YouTube - Halo 3 - Training Map - Spark Studios Download Training
It looks pretty interesting all the training maps I've seen were made by nubs so I'll get some friends and try it out. I don't really know how to rate a training map so I give you 4/5 keep forging. But I would like comment on the fact that you need alot of pics for training maps to show each..(What's the word I'm looking for)..I give up but you need pics showing each... fully otherwise ppl aren't going to DL blindly. I learned that the hard way. But it looks good anyway.
very neat and nice map. the interlocking is great and the gameplay is fun. 4/5 cause i don't like training maps lol
This is excellant! Looks like you have thought of everything and executed those tasks very well! I am sure this can help alot of people (including meI'm a noob at matchmaking) Thanks this is very helpful! Great work 5/5
I like the sniping area the best (For those of you who didn't watch the video, it's the last picture) Also the cones on the weapon holders are genius (and hilarious)
This map looks great but im not a fan of training maps .. Most of them suck but this one looks ok .. But im not gonna dl .. good job! =]
your map At first your map didn't look too good... Then I watched the vid I reccomend all new people watch the vid. There are many features you can't see in the pics that you can in the vid. Now I just can't stop playing this map Amazing!
fergfighter, The point of the map is to help you heighten your skills in all different areas of play. You could say that It's too easy because none of the objects are moving, but I guess if you really want to train you have to do the moving yourself. To Tritive, Great job on the map! I'll DL as soon as possible. The only recommendation I have is maybe make an object that moves, such as a gravity lift switch kind of thing with a fusion coil. Thanks for the laser section!!!!!!!!!!! As you can see in my sig, I <3 Lasers.
Looks incredibly fun. Can you make a gametype for the different trainings, where the second player automatically spawns at points like the man cannon shooting range. I like the idea, and look foward to playing.
the first post isn't really needed saying that he is a nub also i think this is a really nice map it looks very well made great job on it,
Looks pretty good, but I can't really tell what the map is like from the shots. Could you post some more, with titles for what each section is training for? Edit: Nevermind, I watched the video and it made more sense.