Hey all, A while ago I played a custom game on Last Resort that was confined to the beach. I think the name of it was train?? It was an infection gametype with 90% of the people starting off in a "floating train" that was made up of 5 or so open double boxes linked end to end. The other people started on the beach with gravity hammers and it was kind of like hitting a big pinata. I have searched for the map but I have came up empty handed. Does anyone know what I am talking about?? If so could you provide a link for me. Thanks.
Hi Welcome to ForgeHub. This should be in a different forum. This is where maps are posted. I suggest you ask a mod to move this to a different forum. Thanks and welcome to FH.
Welcome to forgehub! I think you might be talking about The Swings. It is old and a lot of people tried to steal it. You can find it in the featured map section. P.S. this doesn't go in maps sections it goes in general chat.
Yea what everyone above me said, I think you should look around in the mini-games section or in the casual section!?
i have it, send a firend request to Gman9091 and ille show you it and you can save it (note, my friend showed me it, i did not copy)
i have the map ur talking about so send me a friend request or i send u one and i can show u it and u can save it
Yeah look around the casual or mini game maps sections. Also since this is in the wrong forum I'm gonna have to move it.