
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SUMproductions, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. SUMproductions

    SUMproductions Forerunner

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    Although I wont be ready for about a week, Im quite willing to make trailers for your custom maps. By having a trailer, you can attract more attention to your map, you can also explain more about your map, have a backstory, and explain how things work, if your intrested message me. This link shows you a trailer I did in the past for a series of short films.

    Bounty Hunter Zeta teaser
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Question: Instead of making the trailer could you just capture and send raw footage instead? I have map which I want to release soon and I use Premier Pro/Final Cut etc a lot, but have no capture card.
  3. SUMproductions

    SUMproductions Forerunner

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    That is the easy route, but it isn't that exciting to watch, I personally believe that the humour and personality of the thread should be in any video uploaded. I've seen videos uploaded which say "heres a carbine i put in the corner and heres a wall i merged." It just isn't interesting. The whole point of a trailer is to excite you.
  4. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    True that. Map previews like that are boring. If I had the option I would capture my own stuff but I can't :(.
    Also what are the specs of ur capture card.

    Edit: I just realized that Im assuming you have a capture card! You do have one right?
  5. SUMproductions

    SUMproductions Forerunner

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    I am doing my research and I will hopefully have one by the end of the week. Specs probably wont be amazing but once i get the money i will upgrade. The reason? I only have £100 and some of that is going to my limited edition halo reach copy. if i wasn't devoted i would have brought legendary. I already have the nesscary video editing software though.
    and take a look at the link

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