
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    (Yes, it needed the exclamation point.)

    Trackball is my latest wacky minigame idea. So far I've only been able to test 1 vs. 1 and running around the map alone, but it seems like it may be extremely fun, with maybe a few balancing tweaks for larger teams.

    The core concept of trackball is that like the popular Smashball, you are trying to push a golf ball into a goal to score. (And enormous credit is due to Smashball's creator for creating that scoring system, which I ripped off wholesale. Don't worry dude: if this sees wide release, your name will be all over the thread, the video, and probably tattooed on my body somewhere embarrassing.) Where Trackball takes off and becomes its own thing is in two key elements:

    1. The ball is confined to a track, like the name implies. There's an open arena, but the ball never leaves its cozy little ring. The ball spawns at one end of the ring, and the goal's at the other.

    2. It's an offense/defense setup like one-sided CTF or assault. Red team is trying to push the ball to score; blue team is trying to push the ball back to prevent being scored upon.

    The game is played in 8 rounds of just 2 (or less) minutes each. So you get four scoring opportunities. Red team is given somewhat of an advantage with ready access to some of the best ball-pushing weapons: a grav hammer and two concussion rifles. They also have mancannons to launch them farther into the field of play, and a ghost to try to control the center area. Blue team is therefore somewhat on the defensive and should have a fairly hard time stopping the progress of the ball - but hopefully if I've done my job, they should be able to stop it at least once or twice in a game. How do you stop the ball? a) Kill the other team. b) Push the ball back. It's that simple.

    One final point of interest: there's a custom power-up that I'm going to call the Golden God Ball. Scoop it up and you become invincible, run faster, and jump higher - but only for ten seconds. You also turn gold and get a waypoint over your head for good measure. A red team player that eats the Golden God Ball is capable of astonishing captures - unstoppable unless blue team pushes the ball away from him. Therefore it's to red team's advantage to get this power-up and have the ball in position at the right moment. It's to blue team's advantage to steal the power-up to prevent this, or to get the ball away from the god.


    Overview of the arena and track. (Rockets are in the center structure; snipers spawn at the foot of each sniper nest.)

    Even the weakest weapons will push the ball...

    But some do better than others...

    And some, like the concussion rifle, let you work at a distance or even from outside the track.

    The focus rifle is amazingly effective, pity they are a little harder to come by. (In this shot you can see the goal and scoring mechanism.)

    A look at the middle of the arena.

    Edited by merge:

    Trackball has now been released - refer to minigame maps forum.
    #1 Nutduster, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010

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