Alright, for those of you looking for a competitive racetrack with fun jumps, twists, and turns, it's time for you to end your search. Introducing the first of my soon-to-be 5 track series, Track #1. (Yes, there is a lack of a name.) This track took me 6 hours of work to produce, and it, in my opinion, shows. This racetrack is built for exciting racing with you and 1-3 friends, as it includes several ways of quickly changing up the place order. Screenshots: Starting Garage Pit Jump Banked U-Turn Sky Road Downward Spiral *Featured section!* This track is meant to be played with my gametype with the following instructions: 1) Do not kill each other, it'll only hurt you. 2) Follow the honor system, don't abuse the rockets to keep others from finishing laps. 3) When you fall into a section you cannot drive out from, blow up your mongoose, and head for the nearest teleporter. Then take a right and go up the grav lift back into the garage. 4) Do not just sit in the finish line getting a lap every 10 seconds. 5) Have fun with it. Download Track #1 Download the Gametype
I downloaded this map tonight and had to post a quick first post and it's kind of negative, but not rude. This criticism is all constructive and not meant to be mean, I just want to provide you with honest feedback on the gameplay experience. A few specific points: 1. I like the starting grid. 2. The first banked turn has a few issues. The entry into the turn is way too narrow. The door that you placed on the left of the entry leaves the driver with less than a mongoose width to enter the turn. The forced angle of entry, because of this door, tends to push the mongoose over the lip of the turn. Another issue is the driver can loose momentum and flip the mongoose as he enters, wedging the 'goose under the turn. If the driver goes over the lip of the turn, the walk back to the spare 'geese takes way too long. 3. The down spiral is really tight. The field of vision for the driver is impaired through most of the turn. I imagine with some practice this could be overcome. The overall competetive nature of this map is hampered by the feeling that the drivers aren't racing against each other so much as they're fighting the track. There are almost no passing opportunities except for the transitions around the large ramp jump at the beginning of the course. The driver, more often than not, finds himself in "stop and go" situations due to unnatural feeling turns or too narrow pathways. If a driver looses his mongoose, he all but guarantees himself a last place finish. This track would probably be better suited as a single driver time trial...a la Rally Racing rather than a 2 to 4 player lap race.
mever make a racetrack that bides by honor system thats why you make the game variant so they can't kill ech other and make the finish line so you can't walk in it
this is just me but this seams a little scruffy in places like the banked turn and the spiral compared to others that have made them and most people who make race tracks now have prevented people from cheating by placing telepoters on the objective that take non mongoose riders to a penelty box of kills them.
OK first, I would like to thank those of you who commented that obviously did not download the map, then left negative feedback anyway. *Ahem* Agamer93 and David 118 *Ahem* Now, I do believe I would like to point out a few more things. 1.) By honor system, I meant that you shouldn't blow others off the track. I know you can't kill each other, I made the gametype. But I also included rockets so that you can blow up your mongoose when you have to abandon it, so that more re-spawn. 2.) When you say that it was a stop-and-go type of track, that just shows that you never actually drove it. You maybe looked at it, maybe drove slowly around the track once, but you never drove it. After doing maybe 5 laps around, I was able to easily make it around the track at almost full throttle the whole time without hitting any walls, and without falling off. You just have to get used to the feel. 3.) If you fall off, and have to abandon your mongoose, do as my instructions say, and get to the nearest teleporter, which at most is a 10 second walk away. With this track, it is very easy to catch back up. 4.) Don't flame my track just because it "looks bad". If you would've driven it, you would've found out that the spiral, although it looks sloppy, is very smooth and effective. 5.) Yes, it's on my fileshare. My gamertag is TigerWolf47.
I apologize if you mistook my comments as flaming, I was simply offering my opinion. I did drive full bore through every part of your track that I could and for more than just 5 laps...I'll concede that I'm not exactly Evel Knievel when it comes to driving a mongoose. I'm not very good at threading a needle, which is what that first bank requires to make it through, that turn doesn't feel natural to me. Maybe others are better at it than myself. This is why I think this course is better suited for single drivers, out to test their driving skills, rather than actually racing others...but, hey - that's me. The spiral is indeed a smooth ride. I had little trouble navigating it, once I was in it. The field of vision thing is probably my problem to overcome. I support your passion for this map, because I can understand that you put in many hours building it, it's your baby. I would only suggest that you keep an open mind in regards to constructive criticism. I look forward to seeing the other maps in your series.
This looks bad in so many ways 1.Honor system 2.ROCKETS?!?!?! 3.U-turn looks horrible 4.Downward spiral looks very messy 5.overall very messy and dosent look very fun