Hello every one at Forge hub. My name is haldrid (GT: TR haldrid). I am a council member from "The Remnants", a halo 3 clan that some may used to have known as c1nder. we are not part of the GGN yet but are well on the way. I cam to this site for a simple reason, I like to forge. I have a few Forged maps that i am proud of and would love to share with you all but will have to post those in the appropriate section, of course. My other hobbies include playing video games, taking screen shots, paintballing, cars (I am a mechanic from Alberta Canadia, lol), and several other things such has playing with my wife on xbox live. I hope i can share my maps with the world in forge hub and see all the other magnificent creations that are out there. See you all online!
Yea, welcome to Forgehub and I really like the way you said that this wasn't the appropriate section, most new members would not have said that. I hope you have a good time here on the site and if you want to test maps, we have a really good testers guild in the forums