
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Something., Aug 12, 2008.

  1. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I can see how this map could be very fun by killing the zombies one by one with headshots out the window lol good job
  3. drak

    drak Ancient
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    cool map...i would prolly give it a 2/5, but just from your great pics, and nice post, its a 4/5!
  4. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    uhm... where´s the download?
  5. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    wow this is a cool map but the only bad thing is were you get the weapons i wouldn't have them all in there cause then you can camp and also the tele someone could stand behind it and assassin them
  6. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I was so focused on making the pictures and everything right, I forgot to put the danged link for the map in. It's in now.

    Sexy dude, The entire point is to find the weapons and barricade yourselves in the buildings. I suppose you could fight in the streets but the zombies spawn on the roofs, makign it very dangerous. Also, humans can't get onto the roofs of the buildings.
  7. Legolastom

    Legolastom Ancient
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    Map looks great but... it would be nice if you let us play it.

    Edit: Nevermind you put the link up now. And sexy dude I suggest you read the post again or DL the map.
  8. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    This seems like fun, i'll give it a download, could have used interlocking, but hey everyone is a critic.
  9. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Interesting side note, I actually started this map back in march, and kept coming back to it to improve upon. I have several versions of the map, and it's like a visibel copy of my improvements as a forger. The first version had next to no interlocking and played badly, the middle-of-the-road version was alright, but had some cheats and a badly merged wall. People should keep previous versions of their work sometimes, it's interesting to look back on them.

    On topic, I also hope this doesn't get shunned TOO badly by the forgehub community. I would urge you to actually get a game or 2 going before commenting on an off-center wall. Also, any exploits you can find would be nice to know of, but I'm fairlyconfident it's cheatproof.
  10. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    classic infection in a run down township. it is an average map but looks really fun. great job on the interlocking and design
  11. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    I think the map looks very good but what about the gameplay to he map. I might DL
  12. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I've had many games on Township, and once people understand what to do, it's very hectic and team-work oriented. There's an upset every time a teammate is lost to the zombies.
  13. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Looks awsome but i think camping would be horrible
  14. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    this map looks really cool, i can't wait to play it. and when you dl the gametype, it says. "get some practice in before 2012". classic. i looks well made and executed. 5/5! and i don't give that a lot.
  15. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
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    Time glitch already did this, and much more fulfilling, but this looks fun for small parties, and requires actual teamwork once the zombies are released, not just everybody backing into a corner with BR's and turrets. I might also use this as a more simple intro to Time Glitch's, and like I said, especially useful for smaller parties. (and because of your twisted, awesome sense of humor) Love the vid, too. XD
  16. aka chadwik

    aka chadwik Ancient
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    map looks nice cant wait to play. = )
  17. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    This is in no way like Time Glitch's map. His is centered around a single base, There a tons of power weapons such a fuel rods and warthogs and hammers. The zombies are super fast. Do I need to go on?

    Don't tell me what the map is like before playing it. I know no one here has actually started up a match.
    #17 Something., Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  18. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
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    Okay, seriously. When I talked about Time Glitch, I was talking about the concept of having a certain amount of time to gather stuff before the zombies are released. Then I went on to describe how this is a tad bit simpler, thus a bit easier to swallow, serving as a great introduction to the idea of the zombies being cooped up for awhile. Not to mention it's a bit more frantic, due to the fact that the humans have less time to scavenge, and the zombies have to wait less time and have a larger place to run around while they wait, (another advantage) but that's made up for by the fact that there's less to accomplish during scavenging. And yes, there's more places to hide. I also mentioned that this map is better for small parties, a necessity for me, due to the fact that I can usually only get about 2 or 3 people together in a lobby, (online) or 4-5 at my house. I can't even have a chance to playtest most of my own maps. And I admit, yes, I had not dl'd it yet when I commented, (trying to make room) but I simply posted my thoughts on your posting of the map, and what it appeared like in the screens. (get used to this) After stating the Time Glitch resemblance, I went on to compliment you on your map from what I saw, as well as even your sense of humor. Granted, barricading a house is very unlikely, as most of the available barricades probably won't get far in 2 min., and don't forget that they kinda disappear after a while. (after they're moved) Also, it looks like people could just do the 'hey, jump on me, jump up, I jump and then you jump,' jump to get on the rooftops. And also, don't say this is nothing like Time Glitch's. It's not the same exact thing, but scavenging for weapons? Time limits before zombies are released? Plasma pistol starts? Yes, it resembles it in some ways. Also, another thing; this map has been released for 2 hours. I doubt anybody has the dedication to start up a map that quick. Most of the comments on any map will be from looking at the screenshots posted, a couple that actually dl'd it, and a few (wait at least a day or 2 for these) that actually got a game going. Don't expect games to be started within the first day. And if one does, you're lucky.

    And also? When someone gives you compliments, don't spit in their face.
    #18 L3377MA573R, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  19. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    This map and it's respective gametype are what you'd call classic. There are multiple houses, weapons, and means of survival- all set within the ideal conditions (abandoned towns are a great premise for a great map.) While the forging skills you used weren't exactly advanced- (I see no interlocking, geo-merging, or even hovering,) it came out as a fun and enjoyable product. Your post was also pretty funny =D. You've got a 4/5 and a DL from me.
  20. Legolastom

    Legolastom Ancient
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    Hey l33t master maybe he wouldn’t have had been so offended if you didn’t start criticizing his map based on ignorant reasons. The "Get weapons before the Zombies are released" concept is a very, very basic concept it’s like saying "This has already been done before" if someone has used interlocking. And I wouldn’t exactly call naming someone else’s map and then saying its better much of a compliment.

    And you can’t get to the roof in any way as a human. I have played a match of this and it plays very well (I assassinated someone by jumping down from a rooftop :p).

    My only complaint is to make the Alpha zombie a little faster, at least so he can jump from roof to roof as it is to easy for the humans to kill the Zombies (Especially the Alpha) out in the open, and giving him the ability to prey on them from above would eliminate the brokenness of just running around the streets gunning down the Zombies before they can even reach you.

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