Township V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Something., Aug 27, 2008.


How much awesome is contained in this map? (1-5 scale)

  1. About as much as Buckley's cough syrup (1)

  2. It's better than messing around on the menu screen I guess. (2)

  3. I can taste a bit of awesome in it... (3)

  4. You can fill a whole bottle with this awesome! (4)


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  1. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    0 : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    REAL ZOMBIES (RECOMMENDED): : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    WUSS ZOMBIES: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    INSANE ZOMBIES: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing


    You're in a town. Zombies are coming to "visit" you in 2 minutes. Get weapons, barricade whatever building you'd like, and stay alive.
    (In other words, screw the story)

    First off, here's a few shots of the streets you'll be running around in at first:



    They look pretty, don't they? Now here's just a few of the buildings you'll be "acquainted" with. VERY intimately.



    Use em wisely, or you'll be zombie food. Speaking of which...


    Dunno why, but I love that picture.

    So, these guys are zombies. They're really nice people if you get to know them. You know, take 'em out to dinner and a movie? Only problem is, their idea of dinner is you being the main course.

    So now we gots to blows some leads into 'em.

    For real zombies, these guys have 110% resistance if alpha, 90% if not. For "Wuss Zombies" (Easy mode), They have 90% and 50% respectively. For "Insane Zombies" ( "I Wanna Be The Guy" hard, google that name and DL the game, it's tons of fun and free), they are 150% and 110%.

    In any case, Alphas are black, and regulars are a pale green. They have 75 percent speed, 100% gravity, no radar, immunity to headshots, and health that doesn't regenerate. They do not know fear, much like velociraptors.

    After 2 minutes they launch through this to get into the town:

    I was planning on getting the zombies to hitch a ride on some flying nuns, but it didn't work out =C.

    They're tough, so how will you protect yourself against them? I'm glad you asked.


    Oh, how thoughtless of me, I forgot about you, the human.

    Well, you're screwed.

    You have no shields (wouldn't help you live anyway), no radar, no waypoints on friendlies, and a peashooter. But wait, you're a resourceful guy! I'm sure there's some way to live! Follow these steps and you just might.



    A spot the weapon picture, yippie!

    [SIZE=3]Right, so the military (I guess) has supplied you with weapons. However, these guys were dicks, and they hid them everywhere. Now you gotta scour the buildings and streets to find whatever weaponry you can. I won't give away what exactly there is, but I will you it may include pistols, shotguns, assaults rifles, Battle rifles, SMGs, Maulers, and Snipers. Also a dead possum cannon.

    As a little bonus, One of the rooms has a pretty good stash of weaponry. However, it's blocked by a giant crate. It's wedged in real good, so you'll need a few people working on it to get it open in time to be useful.[/SIZE]

    Bash it good.

    All that weaponry won't do you any good out the streets, The zombies will come from every possible direction, and also from directions you didn't think possible. Ever heard of the 5th dimension? They can come from there.

    Your best bet on survival, therefore, is to scout out a building to hole up in. The 12 buildings all offer something unique in terms of protection, lines of sight, and looks. You get to choose how the round plays out. Every game is unique.

    Once inside, use whatever is inside to block up the entrance as best you can. Remember, a good zombie is one too busy bashing a barricade to bash your brains. Or a dead one.



    These guyz r doin it rite.

    Alright, so the 2 minutes are up, and you're holed up in a bulding-turned-fortress, armed to the teeth, daring any zombie to cross your path.

    Or, you're running wildly up and down the streets looking for something better than that damned plasma pistol.

    Either way, all that preparation will mean nothing if you don't work together. The zombies will tear anyone apart on their own. Work out a strategy to keep everyone alive. As I'm such a nice guy, here are some tips to help not die:

    - Don't get in front of each other's shots. Friendly fire isn't on, but that bullet that bounced off your head could have been used to down a zombie that would otherwise eat you.
    - Spread out inside a building. If you're bunched up in one corner, you get less reaction time if a zombie breaks in and gets one of you. That in turn adds into an entire room of humans gone by 1 zombie.
    - Use the swords to make the barricade stay in place. Get a person with crappy weapons try to keep the barricade in check. This won't work forever, but it can buy you lots of time.
    - If things get REALLY bad, split as a group. Hold out for one more big group of zombies, then make a mad dash for another building while they respawn.

    Flame on!
    Remember your buddies that died trying to save your sorry ass? Yeah, well now they're zombies, and a little bit angry. And you're the only target.

    To help you, good ol' adrenaline is giving you a 125% boost in speed and damage. Unlike most games, you don't get a waypoint, as the zombies can hunt you down fast all the same. Your best tactic here would be what I call the "OMFG RUUUUUUUN" method. It's funny to watch, and it works.



    [SIZE=2] [IMG][/IMG][/SIZE]
    These explode. Placing them by zombies makes them explode too.

    A well placed grenade does this.


    Another human has fallen (Me, actually =c).


    Hiding may not work.


    This usually does, though.


    The last man tries (EMPHASIS) to take down a pack of zombies.

    An awesome video of a guy getting PWNED trying to get inside a building: | Halo 3 Video | Video | Stay Indoors

    And to end, an example round of infection on his game. Used real zombies gametype, with an average party size of 8. | Halo 3 Video | Video | Example round

    There you go guys, tell me what you think of it. Or read through 2 sentences, get lazy, then tell me what you think of it.

    #1 Something., Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2008
  2. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    This map would be so cool with a full party, I'm downloading. :) 5/5, I love the way you get to block things off like doorways and stuff. The last time I seen that was on the map CLOSE THE DOOR and Homebase V2, (They're both on High Ground) EDIT: I love the video of the guy trying to get into the house thing, So F*cking funny!! I laughed my head off when I seen the yellow guy popping out of nowhere and yay!! First post!!!
    #2 STEClash96, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008
  3. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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  4. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
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    i played on township v3 earlier today! it was great! i love the township series! keep it up!
  5. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
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    Looks even better. Sort of the old Halo 2 style Zombies on Foundation. Hide, barricade and shoot.
  6. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    The map just keeps getting better. I look forward to playing this game with a big party. Sadly school began today.
  7. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Shame they don't teach zombie apocalypse survival in schools. This would make excellent material.
  8. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    This is so funny. I love the enthusiasm you put into the descriptions. I was laughing my ass off. Lulz to mah ROFLCOPTER. By the way, Downloaded. 5/5.
  9. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    and humans- your screwed. lol
    this map was done right.
    im guna bookmark this page for later.
    its time for a halo 3 cleanup! anything i havent played in a month is trash!
    anyway, great map. i will download, and itll be fun, infection wins. so does this map.
    5/5 - download
  10. JimBean

    JimBean Ancient
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    Nice map! I like it how zombies and humans alike have fairly equal odds to begin with. But with enoguh skill you can pwn or get pwned.
  11. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    Hi i think this map is awsome , and i really really love the idea of this game it gives infection a whole new meaning , do you mind if i use the idea? and make my own map ? please as im a realy good forger and think i can make a really good asthetic map for this "story". please pm . thanks yours Bravowolf77 aka forge|designer|c13
  12. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    1. It's INFECTION. Not MM.
    2. As the picture points out, hiding didn't help out that one guy.

    And I don't own the idea of making a town with forge. Many town maps have been made, feel free to do your own.
  13. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
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    Wow you literally just posted the V2 yesterday, you must be working hard sir. Anyway V3 FTW! It looks awesome and it's definetly a download for me. Again it is still creepy and thrilling and I like that. Your description details everything we need to know and it is funny, "Right, so the military (I guess) has supplied you with weapons. However, these guys were dicks, and they hid them everywhere". Lol! Your post is amazing, I laughed, I cried (from laughing so hard), but I mostly was amazed. Great Job Awesome Map, love it, love it, love it, etc. 5/5 Please keep forging and may the forge be with you!
  14. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    I lol'd.

    Great Map, downloaded fer sure.
  15. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Thanks guys, I'm mulling around in my head an entirely new map, probably real zombies gametype again but with something like a hospital or a police station.

    I'll make sure there's a random box geomerged somewhere to satisfy those who only care about forging techniques.
  16. zero inx

    zero inx Ancient
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    Omguh this map keeps gettin betta and betta! The first one was awesome and the second one really touched up on some issues, but this new version completely revamps the whole thing! ah love et! Definete download PLEAZ make moar of this awesome possum map! 5/5
  17. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I'm not sure whether I'll make a full out update to this one, but if I do it'd be the last.

    For now I've just done very minor things that bugged me. Buildings will be kept intact, weapons are staying put.
  18. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    I rarely reply to threads, but I found the description of this map hilarious.

    Also, I feel proud to say that I knew what I Wanna Be The Guy: The Movie: The Game was before you mentioned it =D.

    Anyways, this looks like a good map, and the gametypes look well balanced, so you have my download.
  19. shotgunz

    shotgunz Ancient
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    lol very nice post. The map looks great and plays great (OMG), the map itself looks very well planned out, and very realistic for a forge map. Me and my friends probably played this 20 times before getting bored New Record! 5/5
  20. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I figure giving people the option of difficulty levels would allow people to have their weak zombie game AND keep my loyalty to hardcore infection intact.

    Glad to see most people still go for Real Zombies though. And some (insane) people tried INSANE zombies.

    PS: I am one of 200 or so The Guys. Woo.
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