
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AppleGuyRL, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. AppleGuyRL

    AppleGuyRL Forerunner

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    Hey everyone!
    I've made a new map for Halo: Reach!
    It's my first REAL Halo: Reach map.

    Map is located at The Quarry.

    You have 4 bases: Red, Blue, Green and Orange.
    This map features a lot of big towers that connect to each other in different kind of ways.
    There is also a cave that takes you trough the underground to other higher placed spots.
    There are a lot of hiding spots, this is perfect for infection.
    Using the jet-pack is recommended but you don't have to.
    This map took me over 5 days to make.

    - DMR's
    - Plasma Pistols
    - Plasma Repeaters
    - Needle Rifles
    - Assualt Rifles
    - Magnum Pistols
    - 2 Needlers
    - 2 Grenade launchers
    - 1 Cuncussion Rifle
    - 2 Focus Rifles
    - 2 Sniper Rifles
    - 1 Energy Sword
    - 1 Rocket launcher
    - 2 Shotguns
    - 1 Spartan Laser
    I've placed the weapons carefully and yes there are a lot of power weapons but they have a longer respawn time and don't have a lot of clips.

    Here are some pics so you can look around the map:


    The Center Tower

    Red Base

    Blue Base

    Big Tower

    Blue Terretory

    Glass Base

    Floating Base

    Man Cannon (that takes you to Orange Base)

    The Cave

    Panoramic Room


    A little safe tunnel (to get to blue base)

    Jet Pack Action

    Film Clip overview: : Halo Reach : File Details

    Download Link (Again): : Halo Reach : File Details

    Tell me what you think in comments.
    I'm always happy to hear some ideas for new maps.

    Edited by merge:

    Feel free to comment anything.
    I always listen to ideas and improvements.
    I also want to get some feedback.
    #1 AppleGuyRL, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2011

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