Tower Rock This map is another re-imagination of another map I had created in Halo 3. This semi-symmetrical map is a mirrored map with a tumor growing on the side of it. Basic Info: Map type - Semi-symmetrical Primary game-types - Neutral Flag, Neutral Bomb, Infection, Slayer, King of the Hill Players - 6 to 12 Kill Zones - below, and just above the level: to prevent jet-packing over terrain but leave enough space to make it comfortable. Intro: The concept of the original map was a map where teams would pit off in neutral flag CTF's and neutral bomb assault's. The idea was to have players spawn in bases that were a short grenade toss away and race against each other to get to a bomb or flag. I know personally, levels like Valhalla were utterly useless for one flag/one bomb. Whoever was the first to get the flag basically had it in the bag. The same issue was with a lot of maps which is why those game-types were rarely played, though my friends and I found them to be pretty fun. The reason that the game-types never caught on was that the path from base to the objective never intersected with the enemy in most maps. This map changes that. Tower rock, in Halo 3, made neutral flag and neutral bomb fun again. This map only improves on what was already a pretty fun map. Aesthetics: The map will look more or less like any aerial platform that the Forerunners built. The concept will be a beacon hanging off of The Rock area of Forge World. Not shown in any of the photos will be a killball at the center and above Tower Rock on 'the deck' of the level. This is hopefully what the level will look like, proportions in all. And yes, the shadows are correct =P. Description: The almost one level map comes across as tiny due to the proximity of the bases to each other. Such is not the case if you play the map in a Neutral Flag, Neutral Bomb, or KOTH game-type. The map will have you converging quickly with your enemy along tight bottlenecks and open areas to get to the objective which is considerable far from the bases compared to their own proximity. That is an overhead view showing: The Deck - Left Tower rock - Left middle Atrium - Middle Courtyard - Middle right Bases - Top and bottom right The courtyard can be attacked from a high ground location as well as the ramps, but can only be escaped back into the bases or through a tunnel directly into the atrium. This area will be the infected spawn location. You can also the windows into the top and lower levels of the bases. The courtyards high platforms are right next to the base's top floors. Ground view of courtyard. The bases have 2 levels and a ramp inside to get to both. You can also use the ramp outside of the base to change levels as well. The top floor provides little cover from the walkways around and the other base's top level. The bottom floor has 2 doors to get in and is well protected from cross base fire. If you escape the ground level of the courtyard, you will exit a tunnel in a curved ramp directly in the middle of the atrium in front of the Tower Rock. You can also see the top entrance which is a direct path back to the courtyard and subsequently to both bases. There are also 2 ramps that are above the courtyard and are a great escape once you have collected an objective. This is the main battle arena of the map. In the middle is the tall Tower Rock (which may actually be a rock). An aesthetic kill ball will be in between all of the spokes which aim at nothing currently. The top of Tower Rock is fairly protected and will be the location of the flag or bomb or hill in whatever game type you play. Behind Tower Rock's large structure is another location for fighting. I will probably place a more significant weapon here due to its distance away from the bases. You can chose to get an objective or gain the upper hand with the weapon. The area has a hallway below the raised section that just loops around. Gameplay: Basically, teams will spawn and see each other across the courtyard. Everyone can open fire but the distance is decent and there is ample cover so it is fairly futile. If you are playing a team neutral objective of any kind, you will have to make your way out into the courtyard and into the atrium via the chock point or tunnels, or take the back walkway directly to Tower Rock. Back path from one of the bases. In the Atrium, you will have the option to climb the limited cover tower rock directly, or go behind and climb up an area with more cover which holds a power weapon (originally a gravity hammer). Once you have the objective, you will have to either go back into the choke or the tunnels, or take the higher protected paths back into the courtyard and back to the bases. Opinions/Comments? Do any of you guys care for a map that is specific to neutral objective maps? The map does play neutral very well. Not many maps can do that because it is hard to make a map for neutral AND multi objective game variants which is why I made this one sole map for neutral in Halo3. This map is quite different from the original but the concept is still the same. As for the bulk design, it is a fairly set-in stone. I generally don't change maps drastically from my original designs, but I am open to suggestions. If you think there are any major flaws for flow or gameplay, or just think that neutral game-variants are not fun, let me know. Any criticisms are welcome. Check out my other Sketch-up as well.
VERY well designed in my opinion. the only problem you might run into is the object limit, but im sure that if you do you have a plan to down size and still make it look and play well. Good job.
I just took a look at the count and I definitely need some solutions to get this map to work: - Building Blocks 141 of 100 @ $10 = $1410 - Bridges and Platforms 33 of 50 @ $10 = $330 - Buildings 0 of 12 @ $150 = $0 - Decorative 26 of 100 @50 = $1300 - Doors, Windows, and Walls 44 of 50 @ $10 = $440 - Inclines 43 of 100 @ $10 = $430 - Natural 0 of 50 @ $10 = $0 Total Cost: $3910 I have some ramps made of blocks and some blocks that are only using one face. I should be able to use some incline objects to fill the gap and bring blocks back down. I also believe there is a 2x2x4 block (the large crates in foundry) which will cut down about 8 blocks. I also may swap out Tower Rock for some actual rocks seeing as I am using none of them. There are 16 blocks that serve as wells so I should be able to make them coliseum walls with the 6 I have left over and the 2 I will move. I can cut out the walls next to the back path seeing as they do nothing. It looks like I can drop about 40 Building Blocks for Inclines. I can max out the Doors, Windows, and Walls count and remove 16 more Building Blocks. I may even modify Tower Rock to be Natural rock which will cut out a few more Building Blocks and Inclines. Overall, it looks like I can pull this off with Building Blocks,Inclines, and Doors, Windows, and Walls pretty close to being maxed out. The cost will be nowhere near to maxed out though, so cost will be ok. It looks like the map is still doable with the budget if I just move some things around and swap some things out. Aside from that, what do you guys think about the actual map? As I said, it is mainly for neutral flag and neutral bomb. Originally it played pretty good and I only think this map makes it better, but would any of you actually play them?
I will admit, I'm diggin the design, as well as how much effort you're putting into it. I wish you luck in Reach, hopefully you'll manage to get the design figured out.
I have intrest in seeing a path from the sides to that back level being made out of rock. A little deception and adds another path around the major play field, it should strenghten the action as it keeps people from clogging just two dierections and keeping people at bay, it would force them to keep a watch on their back. Which is good because sometimes people get too good at holding a certain section.
I am interested in what you are saying, I just don't fully understand you. You can pretty much walk around the entire perimeter of the map. From the left and right sides of both bases, located on the top and bottom right side of the overhead shot, you can walk into the grassy section of the courtyard, and the upper area of the courtyard. From the back of the bases, you can take the raised walkway around the outside of the map to Tower rock. I geekingly named the locations of the map in the post so if you know from what area to where you think a good rock path could go, I'd sure like to look into it; you just have to explain it a little better =P. I definitely have rocks and budget to spare so making a path won't be hard.
I'm sure the map will be within the $10000 limit this map is very well designed I like how you use the actual forge world area and backdrop
From the courtyard two tunnels can be added going under the bases along the REAL rockface of the pillar to the back of Tower Rock, It would allow another path back to tower rock if a group of enemies have you pinned in the courtyard. Also you could add paths in rock to this tunnel system from the bases. If I get the naming right on the pictures. I would add flow to the maps.
I gotcha. Ya that sounds like it could be good. Have symmetrical paths that loop under the bases to the sides of the the deck. Could add some ramps so that you could get from the lower rocks to the upper back walkway. Maybe a gravity lift would work better seeing as the rocks would be much lower than the walkway. This close to like you imagined? Edit: You know I actually like that. It adds a lot more flow to the map. Makes the back paths not completely isolated, but still not completely vulnerable.
The design and layout looks good from what I can tell in the pictures, and I like your creative use of objects, but what really won me over was the tower structure in the middle. I implore you to reconsider putting a killball in the middle of it, it looks fantastic and unique the way it is right now and a killball would look kind of silly.
You know you are kinda right. It does look pretty cool as is. A bright ball of fire might be distracting and mess with people a little too much. I am enjoying the feedback.
i love it. i especially like the fact that your not useing any pre-built buildings. i really hope that you can make this map because i would love to play it.
I don't really like the pre-builts as of yet. I may like them more once I actually see them in Reach. I also do not think they are scaled correctly in the Sketch-up palette which may make designing maps incorrect in Sketch-up.
I really like the design, it seems like it would be a really fun invasion map possibly? We will just have to wait and see...
The design is nice, but I really don't see you using The scenery of forgeworld at all. Why not Make it near the water so the ground floor is slightly submerged. Do something to make your map stand out from others.
... I hate to be disagreeing with a fellow Houstonion but, I have a feeling since the moment we saw jUrkout we would be dealing with a few of these half submerged maps. The way I see it it's an interesting spot for it. While I don't care much for the pillar as a map peice, too small. But as a minor peice as it is in this map it gives itself to this sort of courtyard look, gives a boundry you can build off of as well. nah I think his position for it is spot on. Though I would look into turning it the other way and having the tower rock by the cliffside. That way it makes a sort of arched rock face and lends itself to being a natural formation someone built on.