Tower of Terror

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by A Vendetta, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. A Vendetta

    A Vendetta Ancient
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    Tower of Terror
    This is a very all-around map, surmising the slayer, team slayer, oddball, one bomb, one flag, territories, and infection game types into one, fun-to-play, beautifully laid out map.



    The way this works is that there is a tower in the middle of the map. It has an opening where you can fall in. This can be extremely helpful to your strategy, even with slayer. You can get back out by just hopping onto the Grav Lift inside.

    There is a central wrap-around circling the tower. Here you will find all of your weapons, equipment, and power-ups you require to achieve your goal. Back where the side rooms are, there are vehicles situated where you can drive out towards your opponents to meat your ultimate goal.

    This map has plenty of fusion coils and Guardian-like tools of destruction. Use them to your advantage, as players are almost always surrounded by an explosive that can be quite detrimental to their success.

    You can play this map on slayer, team slayer, oddball, one flag, one bomb, territories, and infection, as far as I know. The oddball is in the tower. The flag is in the tower. One of the territories are in the tower. An infection team spawn is in the tower. You have to direct the bomb from the hallway to the tower.

    Questions? Message my gamertag: HXC BLAQK SAIL
    Or contact me through e-mail:
    Or ask me on here! Even better.

    Thanks a ton guys! This is my first map I've posted on the forums, so let's see how it goes!

    Have some pictures with descriptions!

    This is a general overview of the map.

    This is an overview of the A Section where vehicles and the hallway rest behind it. The opening in the wall is blocked off by window panels. The lower part of the A Section wall has a small room with shotgun in it.

    This is the vehicle and geometry set up behind the A Section sign and wall.

    This is a mirror of A Section, but this is B Section. Behind it are two Mongooses and a Warthog. The opening is not blocked off.

    This is a neat little sniper spot. Behind the B Section wall, there is a Grav Lift. Hop onto that and you'll fly onto a little perch that is attached to the room where the sniper is.

    Another overview.

    This is the infamous crawlspace that I like to use in a lot of my maps. Have to crouch to go under it. You're rewarded with stickies for the hard work, and a good amount of cover as well.

    A view of a walkway that leads to other weapons, Spartan Laser pictured.

    The bend in the path. Rocket Launcher pictured.

    Invisibility is snuggled under one of the boxes that supports the wind-around path.

    The holy Energy Sword pyramid. There is a Carbine, a Firebomb, and a Battle Rifle on the lower levels.

    Overshield room.

    The final wind of the path. Brute shot and turret pictured.

    A closer view of the tower.

    An internal view of the tower. The bridge going across it has an SMG, a Mauler, and an Assault Rifle on it.

    I'm going to give you a neat little hint here. This spot is mirrored on both sides where the vehicles are. It's just a small little crevice between the stairs leading to the hallway. This can be extremely helpful in slayer, as well as oddball. But in objective-based games, it could be the key to success, or as pictured, the brink of failure.

    Again, thanks! Enjoy! And please comment back!
  2. A Vendetta

    A Vendetta Ancient
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    I don't know if any of the viewers noticed that the link was messed up since you didn't post, but I fixed it now.

    Part bump.
  3. A Vendetta

    A Vendetta Ancient
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    I know I seem like a *****, but this has had plenty of views and not a single comment.

    Any criticisms at all? I can take constructive criticism very well, so speak your mind please!
  4. eating beans

    eating beans Ancient
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    i think its so perfect no one wants to say anything
  5. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, triple post, not cool. If you wish to add information, just edit your previous post. It seems your map just slipped through, and that happens some times. If you want try and get someone you know to come and comment on your map instead of repeatedly posting.

    As for the map it seems the weapons are a little over done IMO.

    Keep on forging in the free world.
    ~Billy Reloaded
  6. A Vendetta

    A Vendetta Ancient
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    I thought as well that the weapons might have been a bit overdone. I shall change this!

    And the posts were due to the fact that when you edit, it doesn't bump.
  7. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Not trying to be a jerk but interlocking would have done a lot of good. Also, I'm not sure or not but I think bumping is lockable here.
  8. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    That is correct, mods will lock your thread if you bump it. If it falls into darkness that's tough potatoes.

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