howdy all. this here is a remake of Ascension built primarily for the Tower of Power Gametype. the reason why this trumps all other remakes is because you can fall to your death! now the playable version has some noticeable differences, due to rescource limitations, and the fact that every single peice was floated into place. a good feature of the way the game works is shown by the fact that when the turret is ripped off, it takes three minutes to respawn(chances are that the ammo is gone by that point) and when the turret is dropped to the ground, it cannot be picked back up, this means that the game balances it'self out without using the "Honour Rules". (i've tested it with games of 10-ish people, and it seems to work well) another iffy part of the map would be the filters, which are neccessary for colourblind chaps like myself to see anything on that map. I personally have given up trying to fix the map myself, and am releasing not only the playable version but also the version that I was fixing up. (missing main part of level) so please by all means play your hearts content out of the map, or try at forging it into something beautiful. ~Admiral Madden~ PS: if you want more pics, look at my gallery edit: sorry about the picture thing, heres some, I know, they have horrible contrast, but the filters are alot more noticeable when you pull em from the website.
your post is not up to standards u need at least one embedded pic. If you dont know how the link is right here:
im sorry if im braking the rules but this map is not good. i know there are no pics but i went to your gallery and wow you.... hmm how can i say this in a nice way with out being to mean. you're not good at inter locking, and by that i mean AT ALL! that is the worst ive ever seen! and all my friends suc at forging! they try to inter lock with doors and then they say they are pros! any way good try but i dont like it and its not worth my dl sorry if i was to mean but im just trying to get your attention.
way to be an ass. Anyways, good shot at a map, gotta get some pictures up. I like the effort put into it, and dont worry about what people are going to say, because you are going to be flamed. Just take it into consideration and do better next time.
Redeyemaster, dude that is just not true. At least he did interlock and making a curved map like ascension takes some pretty sick interlocks. The map could use some smoothing over. With some help you could make such a good v2 it could blow redeyemaster away. Btw when your taking pics you might want to delete the filter so you can see it better. On your next map you should prolly do a foundry map so you can get better at interlocking before you do another floating map.
i would like to note that your "good" interlocking is damn near impossible in this case, because every single item was floated and eyeballed into place, there is no floor near the intended play area. this map is made in the outer part of blackout which is the largest area to build stuff in in the entire game.