Before I get flamed for this, I would like everyone to know that I have nothing against people with tourettes, nor am I a sick **** who like to make fun of people with serious illnesses like this disease. Please, don't flame me. The intent of the creator of these videos was comedic, and I just want to make you guys smile today. Tourettes Guy recently passed away, but he had a fufilling life of youtube videos, as well as a loyal fanbase, myself included. He had Tourettes, a sickness that makes the person do things that they can't control. In Tourette's guy's case, it was shout profanities. Personnally, I find these videos hilarious, and quote Tourettes Guy All the time. He is one of my heros. Enjoy. Vid 1 Vid 2 Here's the main website: Home *Note- I would've embedded the video's but I couldn't figure out how, lol.
you know I had to. And thanks. Il embed right away! Im not sure If it should be in videos, cuz its off topic and its also a link to the website, it just also includes complimentary videos lol.
Omg at vid 1 on 5:09 funniest **** ever lmaooooooooo. And I love all these videos. But heres an extra extra funnier one funny, at points, but rather demeaning...i have a sense of humor...but i think watching all these messed up videos on youtube is getting old or something...
Bob Saget! Ahh Bob Saget! All You Ever Do Is Sit At Home< Play With Your **** And Look At Your Ass At The Same Time!