Tortuga Tower [updated]

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SPAGETTII, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Allright Glad to hear. I personally would go for better bases rather then blocking off the parts of the map. We should play some time.
    Blaze likes this.

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah thats what I thought too.

    And yeah we should... I remember I played with you once with AK ZERO
    idk if you remember him but he was working on a map with you. Then i saw you on forgehub and i was like woah, its that kid who is friends with AK ZERO.

    so yeah anyways pm or vm me your GT.
  3. Tsiwt

    Tsiwt Ancient
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    love the map, hope to see other maps by u soon 4/5!
  4. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Hey man, great map! I played this last night with a few guys and thought I'd give you my thoughts. Now, the teams were a bit unfair, and the other team dominated us. So I lost, which might make this review a bit biased.

    First, I want to say that I loved the look of both the offense and defense base. Looks very nice, and the forging is well done. After the game I saved the map to hopefully get some more games played on it.

    My problem with the map however is the weapon placements. The Defender's tower has Laser, Rockets, a Human Turret and Beam Rifle. It's too much power for the defensive team. I really think one of these should be taken out. I would take out the rockets.

    The other problem is that there is no cover from the sky. When you're attacking defense base and they have the laser and sniper at the top, you really don't stand much of a chance since there's not much of anything blocking their lines of sight. Even if you get lucky and get to the tower, as soon as you reach that bottleneck there will be a guy camping with rockets.

    And the offense base, only has a laser and sniper - no rockets, and no turret. Also, both teams had a hornet, but only defense had a Ghost. Again, just from what I saw in one game. But I feel that defense base really needs to be weakened quite a bit. Just the fact that they have this immense tower that gives them great lines of sight and height advantage, makes it really hard for the attacking team. Give defense a Ghost, Sniper, Laser, Rockets, and a Turret and it will be damn near impossible to capture their flag.

    Anyway, I did like the map. It looks nice and is forged well. If it was tweaked just a bit I think it could be a great map to play on. 'Course, my opinion is a little biased since I lost. I really got to play a more fair and even game on this map.
  5. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    I love this map. Definitly saving a spot on my HDD. Theres a couple problems that need fixing.

    The first problem is the overpowering weapons. It's actually pretty balanced, the only thing I would do, is make the deffensive rockets spawn at start no, 180. Or get rid of the Deffensive hornet and keep the Offenceive hornet on 1:20.

    The other problem I had is the first ramp that you walk up, if you walk on the right side, you have to jump. Other than that, Love it!
  6. RaulOF

    RaulOF Ancient
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    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, thanks for such a great review. I have heard a lot about the defendsers overpowering so I will definitely tweak that. I guess when I playtested this the attackers were much better of a team so to me it seemed even but I guess that was just becuase of unbalanced teams.
    I will definitely put some time into a updated version as soon as my xbox returns to me. But thank you for the review, it was immensely helpful.

    Thanks for downloading then giving me your updated opinion alby. I have heard a lot about the power of the D base so I will update that without a doubt. I will take the hornet idea into consideration too and the ramp. Thanks again for the review.
    #47 SPAGETTII, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  8. Alec944

    Alec944 Ancient
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    looks really good, nice job interlocking and geomerging. I'll have to check this out.
  9. xkevlarpro

    xkevlarpro Ancient
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    That's one hell of a base! You've inspired me to start Forging on Avalanche again. : ]
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Played on it with Alby and them. It was realy fun. Really epic 1 flag game. But everyone agrees that the defenders are overpowered.
    Definetly take notes on what Alby said. It will really help make this map even more greater then it already is. I went back and got it stored.
    Im looking forward to more creations from you.
  11. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks nicely forged and very competitive. I like how you made a smaller section of avalanche by making it more ctf based. No need for blocking off which eats up resources.

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man i appreciate the feedback, and don't worry I am definitely going to modify the D base for less power. Thanks for the download too.

    Good I'm really glad that I did because Avalanche needs to be forged on more. thanks for the feedback
  13. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    Wow this map actually looks amazing i could see it getting featured but i haven't played it yet so that assuming it plays well!
    But really good job on it i like how you've gone of the edge of the cliff for one of the bases and the hornet seems key...nicely crafted 4.5/5 (might have to edit that to a 5 later once i've played :p)
  14. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    the interlocknig and geomerging looks great, and the towar looks very intricate, i like the looks of it.(did i jsut say that) OOOOKKKKKK. i think this map is very good, and i cant wait to see what you bring out next.
  15. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    i love this map its so complex. plus whenever i play it i feel like im in pirates of the carribbean 1. because its called Tortuga Tower and 2. because it looks sort of like tortuga.
  16. minato

    minato Ancient
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    I will download, but not be able to play for about 2-3 more weeks. Red Ring of Death.
  17. Alex Smith

    Alex Smith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I never though that this kind of map would be possible on this map. 4.6/5
  18. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks amazing. The tower is so well constructed, I absolutely love the way everything looks, and the Hornet is in a really cool postion. Definite dowload, 5/5. AWESOME.
  19. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow...nice geomerging and interlocking. Looks very clean. I think I will try this out.

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you all for the feedback. I am glad you guys like it and I made the changes you all suggested. More power has gone to the attackers for more even gameplay. But note: I did not, by any means, make it easy for the attackers to capture the flag. It will still be difficult just not impossible. I mean, it is one flag...

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